Set in Akihabara, the game follows a group of students who accidentally discover a way to alter the past using text messages. Known for its complex, emotionally-driven narrative and richly developed characters, Steins;Gate explores themes of time travel and consequences. Celebrated for its...
Categories: Survival, Crafting, Base Building, Multiplayer Rust is a hardcore survival game in which players spawn into an unforgiving open world as vulnerable “nakeds,” with nothing but a rock to their name. Armed with this basic tool and your wits, you’ll have to scaven...
Using specialized tools to terraform the planet and provide settlers with shelter, you’ll work your way up to a self-sufficient society. As you would expect, a vital component is building factories to churn out resources and meet the demands of your growing population. ...
love Rimworld for a lot of reasons, but one of the biggest is the way the game’s developer, Tynan Sylvester, is involved with the community. It’s not like he just made the game and then disappeared – he's really active on social media and forums, and he’s always listening to ...
RimWorld RimWorld transforms the theory of emergent strategy into narrative-driven gameplay, similar to Factorio’s strategic build-and-manage goals. Players oversee colony management, where every survival factor, resource, and story twist affects growth. Automation requires strategic logic akin to optim...
In CP2077 you play as V, a gun-for-hire trying to make their name in Night City, the iconic setting in the Cyberpunk tabletop RPG. Image credit: CD PROJEKT RED Cyberpunk 2077 isn’t an open world in the same way The Witcher 3 is, but nevertheless roaming the...
Minecraft is an endearing, engaging open-world sandbox. People have used Minecraft's redstone mechanic to create everything from 1:1 scale models of the Starship Enterprise to functional (if simple) CPUs. For us mere mortals, Minecraft is an easily accessible game with a rich crafting system,...
World Edit by FunkyShit Though you get the opportunity to select your landing site in RimWorld, you have to hunt around on the world map to find your preferred arrival area. But there is another way. World Edit might be too much for some, as it unlocks all the different environmental st...
Monster Hunter: World PS4,Xbox One,PC Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Video Game NEO Scavenger PC,Mac Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer PC Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom Video Game NieR: Automata PS4,Xbox One,PC Path of Exile ...
Maybe you just got your first Mac, or maybe you’re new to gaming. Either way, this may surprise you: Many of the best games are available on Mac. Indeed, Mac gaming has come a long way… And now that M1 & M2 Macs are showing the world how fast they can run games, the ...