The 3 best ADC Synergy picks good with Urgot are Jhin, Samira, and Kai'Sa. # Win Pick Game 1 54.39% 4.16% 228 2 60.94% 1.17% 64 3 52.56% 4.64% 254 4 54.55% 2.41% 132 5 59.00% 0.91% 50 6 57.14% 1.02% 56 7 52.78%
the pool for top lane is massive. With 168 champions in the game, there are dozens of picks for the position. If you’re still looking for another options, we’ve created a tier list, ranking every viable top lane pick from best to worst in Patch 14.21....
LoL Best Yasuo Synergy Champions & Stats for Mid role. Find best champions with the highest win rates when played and paired with Yasuo in team comps for LoL Patch 14.21. Yasuo is ranked as aA Tierpick in Mid. 53.35% Win Rate 3.51% ...
Urgot 3 played against 3/0/0 W/L/D 100% Win Rate Dr. Mundo 3 played against 2/0/1 W/L/D 66.7% Win Rate Rumble 3 played against 2/0/1 W/L/D 66.7% Win Rate Fiora 3 played against 3/0/0 W/L/D 100% Win Rate Show more … ...
15% Ban Rate All Yasuo skins Take a look at the best Yasuo skins in League of Legends. Other thancounters for Yasuoa skin is only for the aesthetics. Therefore keep learninghow to build Yasuo. An Ionian of deep resolve, Yasuo is an agile swordsman who wields the air itself against his...
Despite these changes, Urgot remains a viable carry within a five Chemtech build. The four-cost Twinshot champion still works with Guinsoo’s Rageblade and Runnan’s Hurricane but is better with options like Guardian Angel, Last Whisper, and Infinity Edge. Tahm Kench and Dr. Mundo are solid...
54.41% Rengar 34 games WR 54.41% Cassiopeia 34 games WR 54.41% Viego 34 games WR 54.41% Urgot 116 games + 4% + 15% + 4% + 6% Gangplank 118 games + 6% + 5% + 3% Sion 76 games + 5% WR 52.63% WR 49.07% Pantheon 166 games ...
Urgot 32 games WR 59.38% + 17% GD@15 319 Urgot WR59.38% 32 games GD@15 258 Camille WR51.79% 56 games + 7% GD@15 239 Aatrox WR48.85% 130 games + 20% + 7% + 7% GD@15 232 Sett WR45.37% 54 games + 12% GD@15 175 Gragas ...
Urgot 1 played against 0/1/0 W/L/D 0% Win Rate Sion 1 played against 0/0/1 W/L/D 0% Win Rate Malphite 1 played against 1/0/0 W/L/D 100% Win Rate Maokai 1 played against 0/0/1 W/L/D 0% Win RateShow more …