The best Urgot Synergy champions based on win rate in League of Legends. The highest win rate champions to play with Urgot in Patch 14.21.
You just need to know your limits, find a proper duo partner, and hope for some beneficial Augments. C-tier champions in LoL Arena Viego Tristana Sion Caitlyn Lissandra K’Sante Maokai Leona Dr. Mundo Camille Teemo Katarina Jinx Malphite Draven Annie Gangplank Qiyana Warwick Urgot Rengar Irelia...
In the mid and late game, you will be the one responsible for engaging for your team. While Malphite’s ultimate can be game-changing, it can be easily dodged. To get the best results, you should look for flanks, especially with your Teleport. If that’s not possible, try cooperating ...
Urgot 3 played against 3/0/0 W/L/D 100% Win Rate Dr. Mundo 3 played against 2/0/1 W/L/D 66.7% Win Rate Rumble 3 played against 2/0/1 W/L/D 66.7% Win Rate Fiora 3 played against 3/0/0 W/L/D 100% Win Rate Show more … ...
LoL Best Yasuo Synergy Champions & Stats for Mid role. Find best champions with the highest win rates when played and paired with Yasuo in team comps for LoL Patch 14.21. Yasuo is ranked as aA Tierpick in Mid. 53.35% Win Rate 3.51% ...
Conclusion Analyze the available data and learn how to beat Shen. To master Shen take also a look on Shen builds and runes for Shen. Good luck, Summoner!ChampionsProsProbuildsClash 1 ENProbuilds AnnieOlafGalioTwisted FateXin ZhaoUrgotLeBlancVladimirFiddlesticksKayleMaster YiAlistarRyzeSionSivirSoraka...
Final Team Composition:Jarvin IV, Xin Zhao, Rakan, Neeko, Ashe, Urgot Lulu, Aurelion Sol Recommended Items:Warmog’s Armor,Protector’s Chestguard, andBramble Vest. Focus on getting all three of these items onAurelion Solin the late-game. Throw any extra items you have onUrgotorAshe. ...
Despite these changes, Urgot remains a viable carry within a five Chemtech build. The four-cost Twinshot champion still works with Guinsoo’s Rageblade and Runnan’s Hurricane but is better with options like Guardian Angel, Last Whisper, and Infinity Edge. Tahm Kench and Dr. Mundo are solid...
Rengar 34 games WR 54.41% Cassiopeia 34 games WR 54.41% Viego 34 games WR 54.41% Urgot 116 games + 4% + 15% + 4% + 6% Gangplank 118 games + 6% + 5% + 3% Sion 76 games + 5% WR 52.63% WR 49.07% Pantheon 166 games ⮩ ...
Urgot WR59.38% 32 games GD@15 258 Camille WR51.79% 56 games + 7% GD@15 239 Aatrox WR48.85% 130 games + 20% + 7% + 7% GD@15 232 Sett WR45.37% 54 games + 12% GD@15 175 Gragas WR48.53% 34 games GD@15 107 Darius WR52.59% ...