Premiered: December 16, 2015 Network: Syfy IS IT WATCHWORTHY? 9 Lucifer Tom Ellis, Lauren German, DB Woodside 2,264 votes Lucifer ensnares viewers with a unique portrayal of charismatic Lucifer Morningstar who, in this series, abandons Hell to preside over a luxurious nightclub in Los...
Following Captain Malcolm Reynolds and his crew of misfits, the series showcased the weekly misadventures of our (mostly) begrudging heroes as they did their best to help folks on the outer rim and stay as far away from Alliance — the governing body that wanted to basically rule all of spa...
Originally on the Syfy channel, this show based on "The Expanse" series of books is set in a universe where the solar system has been colonized. An ice hauler ship named the Canterbury is involved in an accident, sending the crew into the center of a conspiracy that threatens the uneasy ...
Battlestar Galacticais a reboot of the far less successful 1978 series. Syfy’s Peabody-award-winning sci-fi show centers around the crew of the Battlestar Galactica, a powerful warship led by Admiral William Adama (Edward James Olmos). Its inhabitants are among the only survivors after a devas...
"Neon Genesis Evangelion" is a mecha for serious thinkers, and the problems it raises are as important now as when it was first released. Though it was considered "soul-crushingly depressing" by Syfy, the show's last episode has become one of the best of the series....
Originally on the Syfy channel, this show based on "The Expanse" series of books is set in a universe where the solar system has been colonized. An ice hauler ship named the Canterbury is involved in an accident, sending the crew into the center of a conspiracy that threatens the uneasy ...
directed with the sort of orgasmic joyfulness that I want from a horror sequel. “What would Martha Stewart say?” Chucky asks. “Fuck Martha Stewart!” Tiffany replies. (Its queer excess set the stage forSeed of Chucky’s nonbinary child, referenced in the Syfy television series that droppe...
But this show’s greatest accomplishment is that it actually has a slow-burn story with Darkseid (Michael Ironside) and the New Gods that plays out all the way through the series until the two-part series finale. In short, Superman got to face his greatest nemesis, and the animated series...
Its fresh approach to storytelling, charming characters, and engaging action ensure its place among the best action television series. Premiered: September 24, 2007 Network: NBC Dig Deeper The Best Chuck Episodes of All Time Also ranks #1 on TV Shows That Had Supposedly Happy Endings (But Were...
Originally on the Syfy channel, this show based on "The Expanse" series of books is set in a universe where the solar system has been colonized. An ice hauler ship named the Canterbury is involved in an accident, sending the crew into the centre of a conspiracy that threatens the uneasy ...