Battlestar Galacticais a reboot of the far less successful 1978 series. Syfy’s Peabody-award-winning sci-fi show centers around the crew of the Battlestar Galactica, a powerful warship led by Admiral William Adama (Edward James Olmos). Its inhabitants are among the only survivors after a devas...
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You may not know it, but YouTube has assembled an excellent catalog of free TV series. It may not be as massive asthe site's line-up of movies available for streaming, but its hit-to-miss ratio is seriously impressive. It also specializes in some TV niches we particularly like, reachin...
tv programs the 120+ best fantasy shows of all time ranker tv updated september 18, 2024 373.6k views 143 items ranked by 146.5k votes 18.6k voters 42 reranks voting rules vote up your favorite series that heavily feature fantastical elements, including magic, supernatural, or other w...
Guillermo's interests span video games, movies, TV series, comic books, anime, and manga -- and if you're not careful, will talk your ear off specifically about the last 40-plus years of Batman lore. Born in Caracas, Venezuela, Guillermo studied at Lone Star College in Texas before ulti...
Taking cues from the first series and absolutely stacking the ensemble cast, Battlestar Galactica hit the air via a mini-series on SYFY, which was quickly followed by a show. Directly reflecting the politics of Iraq War-era America with plots that mirrored a number of then-current news items...
This three-part Syfy TV series is about a secret NASA mission in 1963, when hundreds of people set out into space on a 100-year journey to the nearest star. Most of the series takes place about 50 years later, and we see how the society on board this generational spaceship has evolved...
Bender, Fry and Leela from "Futurama" (Image credit: Syfy) The hit animated series from Matt Groening set in the year 3000 is on Disney Plus! The long-running futuristic comedy focuses on the antics of Fry, a delivery boy who was accidentally cryogenically frozen for 1,000 years and gets...
You may also like:15 fictional inventions from TV shows and movies we're still waiting for #45. Battlestar Galactica - IMDb user rating: 8.7 - Years on the air: 2004-2009 This Syfy Channel remake vastly improved upon the cheesy 1970s original with excellent special effects, politically astut...
From superhero shows and space operas to creepy anthology series — the 50 best science fiction TV shows of all time.