In the latest installment of the "Beverly Hills Cop" series, Eddie Murphy reprises his role as detective Axel Foley, returning to the franchise after over 20 years. Foley is drawn back into the glitz and glamour of Beverly Hills when his daughter's safety is threatened by unknown assailants...
If you’re keen to mix up your movie-watching diet, films don't come more unconventional thanApollo 10 1/2: A Space Age Childhood. Linklater's (Boyhood) 2022 animated feature, which tells the story of the 1969 moon landing from multiple perspectives, is a sweet and nostalgic visual feast...
William Kamkwamba (Maxwell Simba) is a young boy with humongous dreams and an incredible knack for electrical engineering. When his parents can’t keep up with his school’s tuition, the wunderkind blackmails his science teacher into letting William continue his studies. As famine sets into his ...
Navy, he made the transition to pitcher in 1946 and had climbed to the top of Cleveland's World Series-winning rotation by '48, ahead of Bob Feller. Wynn was acquired from Washington that offseason and over the next nine years, he and Lemon piled up 335 wins and matching 118 ERA+ ...
While it could never hope to dethrone Mario Kart 64 in the multiplayer stakes, DKR’s brilliantly innovative single-player adventure mode was a friendless gamer’s dream come true. There were hovercraft and planes to master as well as karts, and boss battles to break up the rounds of rocket...
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Spanning its horror, thriller, and sci-fi genres, Netflix has a range of mystery films now streaming, each offering up an unexpected twist or reveal. SEE ALSO: The 25 best movies of 2024, and where to watch them What's inside the walls in Remi Weekes' His House? Why does the ...
Disney's streaming service is home to some of the industry's biggest, most acclaimed franchises, like Star Wars, Marvel and Pixar. Disney Plus is where you go to watch the Marvel movies in order and the Star Wars movies in order. But the streamer goes beyond those well-known brands, bo...
Rowling baggage that weighs that franchise down now. Win win! — J.A. How to watch: Mary and the Witch's Flower is now streaming on Netflix. 3. Nimona (2023) Credit: Netflix Set in a world that madly mixes the medieval with pop futurism, Nimona tells the story of the good-...
The franchise disclosure document (FDD) is a legal form that must be given to anyone planning to buy a U.S. franchise. more What Is MLM? How Multilevel Marketing Works Multilevel marketing (MLM) is a monetary strategy used by direct-sales companies to encourage existing distributors to rec...