In this movie the franchise's characters Tomoya Okazaki and Nagisa Furukawa have graduated from high school and are now faces with the struggles of the real world. Deciding to stay together as a couple, the two of them must navigate life as they grow up together and develop their ...
In the latest installment of the "Beverly Hills Cop" series, Eddie Murphy reprises his role as detective Axel Foley, returning to the franchise after over 20 years. Foley is drawn back into the glitz and glamour of Beverly Hills when his daughter's safety is threatened by unknown assailants...
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This loose adaptation of the ‘60s TV show looked like it was going to be a major summer blockbuster, but it kind of ended up a box office bomb, killing a potential franchise before it really began. In part because of that fate, it’s developed a loyal cult following, people who adore...
Rowling baggage that weighs that franchise down now. Win win! — J.A. How to watch: Mary and the Witch's Flower is now streaming on Netflix. 3. Nimona (2023) Credit: Netflix Set in a world that madly mixes the medieval with pop futurism, Nimona tells the story of the good-...
1 for a simple reason: They found a franchise quarterback. C.J. Stroud had one of the top 10 rookie seasons of the past 25 years despite missing a couple of games with concussion symptoms. But the Texans didn't stop there. Third overall selection Will Anderson Jr. finished the regular ...
Anderson's 1995 film adaptation of the infamously bloody fighting game. But I preferred director Simon McQuoid's 2021 reboot of the franchise, and I don't think it was just the fact that it was giving me two hours of loud distraction from a very stressful outside world. Not just that,...
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Following the successful reboot of the Doom franchise in 2006, id Software doubles down on its pristine systems and satisfying shooting, drafting in platforming to make the combat more fluid, a rogue’s gallery of deadly bosses, and an engrossing storyline. ...
Case in point: all small business owners have tough days. And all start-up business owners, (franchise or not) have to crawl before they walk. For example, the first year in business can bebrutal. The folks pictured above have already made it past their first year…trust me.You’re def...