Cartel Land is a gripping and immersive documentary that delves into the murky world of Mexican drug cartels and the vigilante groups fighting to bring them down. Through unprecedented access to key players on both sides of this violent conflict, director Matthew Heineman creates a visceral and hau...
Over 4K TV viewers have voted on the 195+ Best TV Shows With Female Leads. Current Top 3: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Golden Girls, Xena: Warrior Princess ...
Here are the best Netflix shows and series to watch. Everything from reality TV to a modern classic sitcom and top animated shows.
Many great showsoriginate from Latin America. They run the gamut from conventional dramas and comedies to the story of a soccer team tied to drug trafficking. Unsurprisingly, Netflix is the home to a wide variety of Latin American shows, so we’ve put together a list of the ones you shoul...
Looking for some true crime to start the week? Here's the best crime shows, movies, and documentaries on Amazon Prime, Hulu, and Max.
Here are the best Netflix shows and series to watch. Everything from reality TV to a modern classic sitcom and top animated shows.
Narcoswas one of the most successful shows on TV in how it managed to flesh out some very dark characters and tell a complicated story with such urgency and clarity. This is not the hyper-realist drug fiction ofTrafficor even 2015’sSicario, but as conflict entertainment goes, it succeeds...
Set in the 90s, when the globalization of the drug business ignites, Season three examines the war that breaks out after Felix’s arrest. As newly independent cartels struggle to survive political upheaval and escalating violence, a new generation of Mexican kingpins emerge. But in this war, tr...
Netflix being Netflix, there are quite a few shows to sift through, and some you might miss on a cursory search, so we compiled the best for you. 1. Better Call Saul Both a prequel and a sequel to Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul is a fantastic crime and legal drama that stands on...
Crime Focus:Drug cartels and kingpins It was either the subtitles or the sexual chemistry between drug kingpin Pablo Escobar (played by the brilliant Wagner Moura) and local journalist Valeria Velez (Stephanie Sigman), but from the first season's ten episodesNarcosbecame the most talked about...