A contemporary thriller set in the world of drug trafficking. Traffic evokes the high stakes and high risks of the drug trade, as seen through a series of interrelated stories, some of which are highly personal and some of which are filled with intrigue and danger. Released: 2000 Directed...
This slapstick comedy follows a mischievous orphan, played by Michael Oliver, and his hapless adoptive father, portrayed by John Ritter, as they navigate a series of zany adventures. Set in the late 1980s, the film offers an entertaining, nostalgic glimpse into the era's pop c...
Feeling neglected by their government, the men decide to get in on a heist to steal $75 million from a drug cartel in a South American jungle. But as greed sets in and tensions rise, things start going off the rails. SEE ALSO: Everyone is thirsty for Pedro Pascal. Has the internet ...
The killer moment:It’s the single best heist sequence in movie history – so convincing, it actually inspired a series of copycat crimes. Tom Huddleston Arts and culture journalist Read more 24.The Big Sleep (1946) Film Thrillers This Raymond Chandler adaptation may be best known for being ...
. The series also focuses on Escobar’s interactions with drug lords, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents, and various opposition entities. Season 3 picks up after the fall of Escobar and continues to follow the DEA as they try to shut down the rise of the infamous Cali Cartel....
9. Shiny_Flakes: The Teenage Drug Lord (2021) Directed by Eva Müller and Michael Schmitt, ‘Shiny_Flakes: The Teenage Drug Lord’ is a documentary film that recounts the story of Maximilian Schmidt, who serves as an inspiration for the series ‘How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast).‘ In 20...
The killer moment:It’s the single best heist sequence in movie history – so convincing, it actually inspired a series of copycat crimes. Tom Huddleston Arts and culture journalist 24.The Big Sleep (1946) Film Thrillers This Raymond Chandler adaptation may be best known for being almost impos...
In this spiritual successor to Breaking Bad, executive producer and director Jason Bateman stars as Marty, a mild-mannered money launderer who accidentally sticks his family in the crosshairs of a Mexican drug cartel. Across four seasons, we watch as Marty, his wife Wendy (Laura Linney), and ...
That Chuck And Blair Strip Tease Scene Was My Sexual Awakening Pls Put An End To The "Loud Breakup" Trend All Over My FYP Obsessed With The Staud Sardine Bag? I Have A Dupe For You How To Store Your Sex Toys Like A Fucking Adult ...
The Osage tribe in northeastern Oklahoma is plagued by a series of mysterious murders that have cropped up after a recent discovery of oil on their land. Sensing something bigger behind these killings, the FBI investigates this matter with the aid of J. Edgar Hoover and former Texas Ranger Tom...