Saturday Night Live: The Best of Chris Rock: Directed by Beth McCarthy-Miller, Dave Wilson, James Signorelli. With Chris Rock, Don Pardo, Christina Applegate, Jim Breuer. A reel of comic Chris Rock's best Saturday Night Live sketches: Luther Campbell, On
Richard Pryor was the first black man to hostSaturday Night Live,back during the show’s first season. The widely admired and unrestrained stand-up comedian boosted the show’s reputation with his performance. The episode he hosted in 1975 (which was also the only time he hosted) features so...
“Saturday Night Live” introduced the 39th season with longtime SNL veteran Tina Fey hosting, alongside musical guest Arcade Fire and Aaron Paul from “Breaking Bad” in a handful of playful cameos. The beloved Fey carried the show as the host, appearing in almost every skit as a variety ...
Whitney Kassel
Saturday Night Live: The Best of Robin Williams: Regia di Paul Miller, Matthew Meshekoff. Con Robin Williams, Dana Carvey, Nora Dunn, Phil Hartman. The well loved star of "Mrs Doubtfire", "Dead Poets' Society", "The Fisher King" and "Good Morning Vietnam
Vanessa Bayer, "Saturday Night Live" “Saturday Night Live” went out on a high note this weekend with The Rock as host, but the season finale also marked the departure of three cast members. While Bobby Moynihan had already announced he was leaving (and thus we hadtime for a trib...
Stacker has compiled 50 of the best skits to ever grace the "SNL" stage, including IMDb and NBC, as well as fan pages and celebrity interviews.
Saturday Night Live Michael Che, Mikey Day, Chloe Fineman 1,033 votes An ensemble performs sketch comedy. Premiered: October 11, 1975 Genres: Comedy Dig Deeper The Best Saturday Night Live Characters Of All Time Also ranks #1 on 19 TV Shows That Launched A Cast's Worth Of Ca...
Saturday Night Live: The Best of Chris Farley: Directed by Beth McCarthy-Miller, Dave Wilson, Tom Schiller, James Signorelli. With Chris Farley, Mackenzie English, Christina Applegate, Dave Attell. A compilation of the best Saturday Night Live sketches a
Saturday Night Live: The Best of Will Ferrell - Volume 2: Regia di Beth McCarthy-Miller. Con Will Ferrell, Alec Baldwin, Jim Breuer, Pierce Brosnan. In all of Saturday Night Live history, one of the greatest of the greats is Will Ferrell, and this is the