Signorini, Renatta
Saturday Night Live: Created by Lorne Michaels. With The Saturday Night Live Band, Don Pardo, Darrell Hammond, Kenan Thompson. Actors, comedians and artists get together to perform short, hilarious skits on current, intelligent and at times ridiculous to
The 50th anniversary of Saturday Night Live is still over a year away, but there’s never a bad time to revisit the history of SNL. We’ve already gone over the funniest Saturday Night Live skits and the worst SNL skits of all time. Now it’s time to look back at the seven most...
Saturday Night Live update Season 0 14: Best of the 90's Part 1/2 15: Best of the 90's Part 2/2 18: Best of Adam Sandler Adam Sandler and his crazy cast of characters will put you in stiches. Witness Sandler's zaniest SNL moments including: Lucy, the Gap Girl, Brian, host of...
SNL doesn't always hit home runs, and these are the seven worst Saturday Night Live skits in the show's nearly five-decade history.
Saturday Night Live may be "live from New York" every week, but that doesn't mean the show is always kind to those who live in New York, and these are seven times they attacked Upstate New York. Click the red title of each photo in order to watch the full sketch on YouTube. ...
Vice President Kamala Harris made a surprise appearance on "Saturday Night Live," playing herself as the mirror-image double of Maya Rudolph's version of her. Nov 3 Alec Baldwin returns to "Saturday Night Live" for cold open skit The cold open skit marked Baldwin's return to the comed...
In another controversial Taran Killam skit, we see the actor playing former Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow, only to have a quick locker-room run-in with Christ himself. Jesus,played by Jason Sudeikis, implies that he's been helping the team win - "I just go where people need me the...
How Many Episodes Of "Saturday Night Live" Have You Seen? (1975-) Actors, comedians and artists get together to perform short, hilarious skits on current, intelligent and at times ridiculous topics. Save Your Results! If you want to save your results after leaving this page, please log ...
4. Scroll down, find Saturday Night Live, and select it. You’ll be taken to the details page for SNL. The most recent episode is shown at the very top.Just below, you’ll see videos sorted by Season. Farther down, you’ll see that clips are categorized into tabs for Most Recent,...