Featuring comedic genius Danny Kaye in one of his most iconic roles, The Court Jester is a delightful romp that combines humor, adventure, and romance in a rollicking medieval setting. Set against the backdrop of an unjust king's reign, Kaye stars as a hapless carnival performe...
The real Jann Mardenborough makes an appearance in the film, acting as his own stunt double in the racing scenes, and David Harbour and Orlando Bloom take on the roles of Mardenborough’s racing trainer and a Nissan executive, respectively. The movie may have suffered financially from premierin...
" and "What are the greatest Anjelica Huston roles of all time?" Woody Allen and Clint Eastwood have both worked with Anjelica Huston over the years, as have plenty of other well-known directors. Is Anjelica Huston your favorite person to watch on the big screen? You might also wa...
(If you’re not chafing over Gael García Bernal in either of his dual roles, you don’t have a pulse.) Almodóvar never shies from playing with story structure, and here deploys the metanarrative technique to create a poison-darted valentine to the movies, and to desire itself. —RL ...
Van, a sociologist, is uniquely able to apprehend the social construction of gender roles… and the fact that a woman-only social order is superior in every way to western civilization. First serialized in 1915; read it on HiLobrow. Frances Hodgson Burnett’s YA adventure The Lost Prince. ...
Maugham novel, which gives life to the story of an aristocratic bachelor, Tony (James Fox), who hires a servant, Hugo (Dirk Bogarde), whose machinations, including moving in his girlfriend (masquerading as his sister) as a maid, wear down Tony so that their hierarchical roles blur and ...
This is so much more than just a job, from global travel to lifelong friendships, life in the RAF offers you things that no other employer can hope to match. BAE Systems Aerospace & Defence Ready to discover what’s possible? From the depths of the ocean to the far reaches of space, ...
featuring bi-color Rolesor in steel and yellow gold, a gold “pie-plate” bezel, a champagne-gold dial, and a Jubilee bracelet. Plus, it of course has a one-of-a-kind caseback engraving that commemorates the win. Seiko NH35 automatic movement Both new characters were initially teased way...
You can't talk about actors disappearing into roles without mentioning Marlon Brando. On The Waterfrontcontains one of the best, if not THE BEST, scene of acting ever. The "I could have been a contender" scene is enough to put anyone down in history. But Brando brings it inThe Godfather...
A film of almost unfathomable sadness, this adaptation of Dennis Lehane’s Boston-set novel explores the roles of chance and fate in reshaping lives while depicting how the past never really lets go of its hold on the future. At its core, it’s a murder mystery, but it’s less intereste...