In this visual riff on Pink Floyd's album "The Wall," successful but drugged-out musician Pink (Bob Geldof) is looking back on his isolated childhood from the confines of a Los Angeles hotel room. Through a swirl of flashbacks and chemical-induced hallucinations, Pink recalls his lonely upbr...
Opening track Slice Up The Pie seems familiar enough until the album transitions into Time Will Come, Coats’ wall of sound enhanced by Brown’s Mahavishnu Orchestra-styled snare fills. From there, OFF! never lets up, a series of free jazz interludes slicing up an unrelenting barrage of ...
However, his humble beginnings did not deter him from pursuing his passion for music. His journey into music started when he was just a child, playing a tin horn on the streets of New Orleans. A local Jewish family, the Karnofskys, who recognized his musical talent and gave him a real ...
49: Humble Pie: Performance: Rockin’ The Fillmore (1971) This live double-album from English blues-rock bandHumble Piewas recorded over two days in May 1971 at the famous Fillmore East Club in Manhattan, which closed a month later. Humble Pie were made up of singer and guitarist Steve Ma...
Humble Pie—Smokin’—The Steve Marriott-fronted British band just couldn’t catch a break in America for its first few years. Then, in 1971, they released a live set from NYC’s Fillmore East and suddenly people started to get it. The question of whether that newfound recognition would ca...
"Got Live if You Want It,” the Rolling Stones promised in a 1966 album title. And oh, do we want it, in 2021, when the pandemic has canceled its fair share of shows. Fortunately, we still have access to the thousands of worthy live albums that have been
Humble Pie, "I Don't Need No Doctor" (1971) Humble Piehad yet to nick the U.S. charts when it released its landmarkPerformance Rockin' the Fillmorealbum. Its show-stopping rendition of "I Don't Need No Doctor" – written by Jo Armstead, Nicholas Ashford and Valerie Simpson and first...
Live and Kicking, described by the NME as the greatest live album of all time, has earned its place in the pantheon of classic records, live or studio, stuffed to bursting point with hit after hit, from The Boys Are Back In Town to Dancing In The Moonlight. Lynott is the main attract...
including one from Humble Pie. It was just loaded with my favorites, and virtually the whole album became hits. I think I rise to the occasion live. I think that’s probably the best arena for me—excuse the pun. For some reason, live is where it’s at for me, and I’ve always ...
Graffiti proves that not only was Zeppelin powerful enough to sustain a double-album; they were powerful enough to sustain every metal band that came after them. –Alex Linhardt Listen: Led Zeppelin: “Custard Pie” 94. King Crimson: Starless and Bible Black (1974) Experimental bands are ...