Rumble is an upcoming animated film that takes a fantastical spin on the world of professional wrestling, set in a world where giant monsters compete in epic wrestling matches. The film follows a young girl named Winnie, voiced by Geraldine Viswanathan, who seeks to follow in he...
Behind our world, there is another -- a world of dangerous and powerful monsters that rule their domain with deadly ferocity. When Lt. Artemis and her loyal soldiers are transported from our world to the new one, the unflappable lieutenant receives the shock of her life. In a desperate ...
12| City of Gods and Monsters (House of Devils #1) by Kayla Edwards – New Adult Vampire Book, 2022 Buy It Here City of Gods & Monstershas beautiful and atmospheric world-building, a story that will pull you right in, and it has a slow-burn romance story. However, it’s also intend...
Why it’s scary: It’s a horror message that we’re all quite used to by now but humans being the real monsters never seems to get old. The inhabitants of Summerisle might seem somewhat comedic and there are more than a few moments of genuine humor in here, but The Wicker Man is ...
Or…let’s flip that. What if Soviet Agents — the characters the showwants us to invest in- have spent all this time building a family life in the U.S., even having kids who are unaware their parents are spies, find out their new neighbor is with the FBI? This is how The America...
Use the best weapons in Monster Hunter to slay monsters with ease. We’ve created Monster Hunter: World tier lists for both solo and multiplayer gameplay. Rainbow Six Siege Operator Tier List BySamuel StewartSeptember 1, 2022 Win more games in Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six SIege by using the be...
Considering many of Rise’snew monsterswere designed with this tool in mind, it ends up being one of the most valuable resources in your Hunter’s kit. DOOM Eternal Platforms: Windows, PS4, Xbox One, Switch This list wouldn’t be complete without giving at least a nod toDOOM Eternal‘s...
the monstrous Vek are threatening humanity. To save the world from monsters, you assemble a team of three mechs who take on the Vek in small-scale battles on eight-by-eight grids. Each battle only lasts several turns, and the goal isn't to overpower the Vek; instead, you're trying ...
Even if building castles and secret hideouts isn't your strenth,Minecraftoffers you plenty of things to do – explore its world, bring back valuable loot and take on monsters that can lurk anywhere. WhileMinecraftBedrock Edition does support crossplay, the Java Edition does not. So if you and...
First-person games, where you see through the eyes of the character, can feel immersive and exciting. But there’s something more game-like about the third-person (3rd person) perspective. In 3rd person shooter games, in particular, seeing the avatar you’re controlling from above and being...