"Cryptozoo," Dash Shaw's Sundance-selected animated feature, tackles this question while layering cutouts on top of crayon-like backdrops in order to bring this story of legendary creatures to life. As the Vietnam War looms in the background, monster hunter Lauren Grey seeks to protect crypt...
Matt Damon and Leonardo DiCaprio star in the story of competing undercover agents with Damon’s Irish mobster going undercover in the police force while Leo’s cop tries to infiltrate the crew of the legendary Frank Costello (Jack Nicholson). It’s still a wildly entertaining movie. The ...
The Legend of Baron To'a is an action-packed comedy that centers around the titular character, a legendary Tongan wrestler known for his unmatched prowess in the ring. When the wrestling champion's prized title belt is stolen, his nephew Fritz, played by Uli Latukefu, must em...
Freddy’s coming for you It’s arguably the single greatest set-up for a modern horror movie: a monster that invades your dreams, slashing away at your very psyche with his razor-fingered gloves. And while the franchise may have descended swiftly into self-parody – they marketed Freddy Krue...
Embark on an epic quest with the legendary Warrior Princess as she battles mythological monsters, tyrannical warlords, and her own haunted past. Packed with thrilling action, witty banter, and unforgettable friendships, this groundbreaking series blazed a trail for powerful female characters in the fan...
If the monsters do not find you for several seconds, they will eventually get turned into ghosts, which can walk through the earth. They are invincible and cannot be killed. From time to time, vegetables will appear in the center, and you can get these for points. Developer: Realtime ...
From monsters and slashers to haunted hotels, here are the best horror movies to watch right now Comments When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works. If you’re looking for the best horror movies to watch over the holiday ...
Renowned Japanese director Kazuaki Kiriya brings to life the legendary figure of Ishikawa Goemon in this visually stunning and action-packed film. Goemon is a captivating blend of history and fantasy, following the titular ninja who steals from the rich to give to the poor, as he uncovers a si...
Based on the acclaimed Japanese video game series of the same name, this dark action fantasy animation follows Trevor, the last surviving member of the disgraced Belmont clan, a formerly legendary family of monster hunters, as he sets out to take down the revered vampire Dracula and his expansi...
Writer-director Brad Bird commanded a degree of control unprecedented since the days of old Walt himself. Everything was riding on his long-germinating vision of an exceptional family rediscovering its purpose. The plot’s spirit proved infectious, the reviews rapturous. Thematically, the movie’s ...