Punk'd took practical jokes to new heights as it showcased elaborate pranks being played on unsuspecting celebrities by host Ashton Kutcher and his team of accomplices. The show's clever execution combined with heartfelt reactions from its famous targets turned it into must-watch television during...
Alien made director Ridley Scott a household name, launched creature-bursting-through-the-chest jokes into the cultural lexicon, and is widely accepted as the first action movie to feature a female lead. That’s why, more than half a century later, we’re still getting scared by its sequel...
Also ranks #3 on All 19 Tom Brady Roasters And Their Best Jokes, Ranked Also ranks #12 on The Best Male Stand Up Comedians of the 2010s Also ranks #14 on Actors and Actresses We Really Want To Play A Villain 50 Tyrese Gibson Los Angeles, California, USA 810 votes Tyrese Gibson is...
), only with a vulgar tone and consistent foul language. The sophomoric humor and frat boy jokes are exactly what you want from this dynamic duo, beautifully challenged by John’s feminist college-aged cousin Blaire (Giorgia Whigham) and his sickly-sweet mom Susan (Alanna Ubach). Scott ...
from the people who brought us Slipped, Rubbed, Goosed, Pricked, Cracked and Tossed. Wolfed (spotting a theme?) delivers a cavalcade of hit songs, and "more jokes per minute than any other show". Many of them off-colour, we'd presume. Take the kids to this panto and they'll be in...
Mitchell Hurwitz’s Iraq War-era farce, about a family of rich morons forced to fend for themselves after the patriarch goes to jail, is as dense with jokes as a neutron star is with stellar matter. Every scene is packed with running gags, callbacks, impossible names, slapstick, and more...
and it isn't long before things get weird. Under the guise of creating a message for his future child, Josef has Aaronfollow him into several bizarre situationsand continually makes "jokes" that make Aaron extremely uncomfortable. The film progressively gets darker and weirder as Aaron learns ...
It’s especially good for jokes, asides, some of the things that confident people manage to say in person. Of course it’s been really, really hard to not be in each other’s physical presence. I’m looking forward to the fall and the beautiful sensory overload of being in a room ...
Further Listening:“All the Best Kiss-Offs, Jokes, and Wisdom on SZA’sSOS” Listen:SZA, “Kill Bill” 5. Olivia Rodrigo: “get him back!” One way or another, Olivia Rodrigo is gonna get ya. On the deliriously fun third single from her second albumGUTS, she rattles off an ex’s...
Not only does ‘Dr. Horrible’ crackle with the same charm as it did back then (save a few jokes), but it also reflects the post-nerd culture wars still raging in Hollywood today.While battling his pompous nemesis Captain Hammer (Nathan Fillion) and wooing love interest Penny (Felicia Day...