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i don't help you if you did not read this file. you need at least the basics of proramming and how fivem works, or i can't help you.Install1: create a folder in resources names [mh] and put mh-vehiclekeyitem in it. 2: add in your server.cfg below ensure [qb] add ensure [...
API-ANTICHEAT was created in 27 May 2020 and developed by PK, it is an anti-cheat resource for FiveM coded in lua 5.3. It can detect 95% of client-side cheats. Our protections are configurable and provide the best protection in the FiveM scene. Antichea
ELRis the best GTA VEmergency Lighting OverhaulMod! -Better LightsReflections -Environmental LightingOverhaul -Rotating LightsRealism -The Most RealisticCoronas ELRIS NOWAVAILABLEFOR EVERYONE! USE THIS TO FIX INCORRECT WORK AT NIGHT: Putcarcols.ymtintoupdate/update.rpf/x64/data Open ...
('MojiaGarages:server:removeOutsideVehicles', plate) QBCore.Functions.DeleteVehicle(vehicle) Wait(1500) DoScreenFadeIn(250) QBCore.Functions.Notify('Your car has been put up for sale! Price - $'..price, 'success') PlaySound(-1, "SELECT", "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET", 0, 0, 1) ...