#1%Percentage of mentions where the film was selected as the best film of the year TCLNumber of times that the film was selected as one of the top 10 films of the year on top critics’ lists TCL1Number of times that the film was selected as the best film of the year on top critics...
plus the 10 best unreleased films they discovered on any festival sorties. (In the latter category, 10 had their U.S. premieres at the 44th New York Film Festival and at least two more will be shown in our annual Film Comment Selects series...
I loved many movies in 2006, but I was in awe of only one. Lino Ventura leads an utterlyparfaitcast as the commander of a small cell of 1942 French Resistance fighters in Lyons and Paris; the film follows the group as it carries out a series of patriotic (and potentially deadly) missio...
“As each turn of events proves more menacing than the last to the young heroine of Pan’s Labyrinth, her mother admonishes her: “Life isn’t like your fairy tales.” But it is. That’s the secret at the center of Guillermo del Toro’s magnificent film.”— Joe Morgenstern, Wall St...
But as with all of these services, it can all be a little overwhelming. The truth is that Peacock’s film catalogue is a little thin and a little strange (there’s an amazing number of B-movies like Mega Shark Versus Giant Octopus), but it does have some of the weight of the ...
The Incredibles is a flawless blend of comic book movie stylings and earnest family comedy. For all the whizz-bang action, which easily rivals most live-action attempts at the genre, the film’s also rich with themes - it touches on bureaucracy, the family unit, and what it means to be...
《无声的呐喊(英语:Sound and Fury (film))》(Sound and Fury) 2001: 《周日早晨谋杀(英语:Murder on a Sunday Morning)》(Murder on a Sunday Morning) 《地下孩童(英语:Children Underground)》(Children Underground) 《棉花传统(英语:LaLee's Kin: The Legacy of Cotton)》(LaLee's Kin: The Legacy ...
Find a list of the best movies and TV shows recently added to Paramount+ and Paramount+ With Showtime, plus a list of titles coming soon to the streaming services.