fairer access to a modern monarch than any performance in memory, and Mirren deserves each and every honor bestowed upon her by the rulers of Hollywood. What this non-subject of the realm would like to celebrate now, however, is the movie beyond...
17.《辛普森一家》The Simpsons Movie (2007)导演: 大卫·斯沃曼主演: 丹·卡斯泰兰尼塔 朱莉·卡夫娜 南茜·卡特莱特出品:二十世纪福斯上映日期:2007.7.27 美国成本:7500万美元全球票房:5.27亿美元北美票房:1.83亿美元剧情荷马·辛普森做了件这辈子最愚蠢的事,使得家乡斯普林菲尔德即将遭受灾难性的毁灭,无能加白痴的...
The Top Rated Movie list only includes feature films. Shorts, TV movies, and documentaries are not included The list is ranked by a formula which includes the number of ratings each movie received from users, and value of ratings received from regular users To be included on the list, a ...
来自:豆瓣电影 好奇天使心 The Curiosity of Chance 7.4 (4493人评价) 导演: Russell P. Marleau 主演: 泰德·希根布尔克 / 布雷特·查克曼 / Aldevina Da Silva 类型: 喜剧 / 同性 制片国家/地区: 比利时/美国 年份: 2006 2011-10-29 23:00:47 赞 回复 ...
片名:辛普森一家 / The Simpsons Movie / 辛普森大电影 / 阿森一族大电影 导演: David Silverman 主演: Dan Castellaneta / Nancy Cartwright / Julie K... 年份/国家/类型:2007 / 美国 / 动画 冒险 喜剧 评分:8.3 38281人评价 总结:人致贱则无敌。 === NO.242 (ID=248 ; Score=83) 片名:兵临城下 ...
“Although Mirren transforms into a living human being as artfully as any actor I have ever seen in Stephen Frears’ portrait of a woman and royalty under siege, the movie in which she performs this alchemy is every bit as good as she is.”— Terry Lawson, Detroit Free Press ...
2015-05-14(澳大利亚) / 2015-05-15(美国) / 汤姆·哈迪 / 查理兹·塞隆 / 尼古拉斯·霍尔特 / 休·基斯-拜恩 / 乔什·赫尔曼 / 内森·琼斯 / 佐伊·克罗维兹 / 罗茜·汉丁顿-惠特莉 / 丽莉·吉欧 / 阿比·丽 / 澳大利亚 / 美国 / www.madmaxmovie.com / 乔治·米勒 / 120分钟 / 疯狂的麦克斯4...
IMDB Internet Movie Database,即互联网电影数据库,是一个关于电影、电影演员、电视节目、电视明星、电子游戏和电影制作小组的在线数据库。它是目前全球互联网中最大的一个电影资料库,里面包括了几乎所有的电影,以及1982年以后的电视剧集。IMDb的资料中包括了影片的众多信息,演员,片长,内容介绍,分级,评论等。对于电影...
42. “City of God”《上帝之城》 43. “Beau Travail”《军中禁恋》 44. “Cleo from 5 to 7”《5至7时的克莱奥》 45. “L’Avventura”《奇遇》 46. “Children of Paradise”《天堂的孩子》 47. “4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days”《四月三周两天》 ...
The Top Rated Movie list only includes feature films. Shorts, TV movies, and documentaries are not included The list is ranked by a formula which includes the number of ratings each movie received from users, and value of ratings received from regular users To be included on the list, a ...