The performance of the year, in the film of the year.Charlize Theronplays Aileen Wuornos, a prostitute who was executed in Florida for the murders of seven men. The film portrays her as a woman so damaged in early life, so beaten down by daily existence, that although her crimes are not...
“I usually sit toward the back of the theater, but during “Finding Nemo” I wanted to sit closer, to immerse myself in the underwater beauty of the film’s graceful animation. The story is lots of fun (how in the world can a fish escape from an aquarium and get across the highwa...
4. John Cassavetes — Before 2003 I had never seen a Cassavetes film. In a way, I think that 30 was just about the right age for the experience. His films are painful to watch — they break your heart while making you self-conscious about the very act of spectatorship. Maybe by the...
Film - Best Of 2003
improvises on the style of silent films to record a production of "Dracula" by the Royal Winnipeg Ballet. You'd be right to assume it's weird. It's also by turns poetic, erotic, creepy, voluptuous, whimsical. It brought me more pure joy than any other film I saw in 2003.official ...
Second Lord of the Rings film is voted best movie of 2003Shan Ross
制片国家/地区: 英国/意大利/罗马尼亚/美国 年份: 2003 2013-12-26 03:28:04 赞 回复 来自:豆瓣电影 牙医的秘密生活 The Secret Lives of Dentists 暂无评分 导演: 阿兰·鲁道夫 主演: Campbell Scott / Hope Davis / Denis Leary 类型: 剧情 制片国家/地区: 美国 年份: 2002 2013-12-26 ...
SaRenna Lee is the sexiest woman ever to appear in film or magazines . She is one of the all time most Beautiful & Sexiest woman to watch , from any and every angle she is just hot , any film or magazine that she has appeared in is a must see , her web site Sweetsamples .com ...
However, that definition can be problematic in itself because there is some disagreement on what film noir encapsulates. Generally, the best future noir films have to do with a crime or mystery that the hero (who sometimes but not always is a detective) must solve. Some examples of future ...
The Incredibles is a flawless blend of comic book movie stylings and earnest family comedy. For all the whizz-bang action, which easily rivals most live-action attempts at the genre, the film’s also rich with themes - it touches on bureaucracy, the family unit, and what it means to be...