“Yet another movie about bravery, honor and duty. But as with “Return of the King,” you don’t walk away from it praising the worthiness of its themes — instead, you’re left with a true and deep sense of the rueful compromises that rousing victories often demand. Russell Crowe give...
Ranking 2003 Movies. Includes 2003 Box Office Grosses. Best 2003 Movies. Worst 2003 Movies. 2003 Movie Reviews. 2003 Movie Trailers. 2003 Movie Awards.
The Top Rated Movie list only includes feature films. Shorts, TV movies, and documentaries are not included The list is ranked by a formula which includes the number of ratings each movie received from users, and value of ratings received from regular users To be included on the list, a ...
影辑《IMDB高分神剧TOP50》:IMDB(Internet Movie Database,互联网电影资料库)近日在大陆解禁,网民一片欢呼雀跃。作为世界互联网电影资料库,IMDB接受来自世界各地观众的评分,特别是群众基数巨大的电视剧,其评分高低往往具有很可靠的参考价值,以下...。
2003年,美国娱乐周刊评出了Cult电影Top50,这里面涵盖了早期30年代一直到新世纪的电影时期的作品,以欧美居多,日本,香港也有上榜。在题材上异彩纷呈,恐怖,情s,动作,爱情,动画等等不一而足。 Cult电影(Cult Movie)以其独特的拍摄手法、题材诡异、风格异常、强烈的个人风格、富有争议性而著称,可能不受大众接受...
Nothing pulls at the heartstrings like a Christmas movie. 总有一部圣诞片撩动你心弦 The Top 10 Christmas Movies of All Time (according to IMDB) 1 Home Alone(1990) 《小鬼当家》 It comes as no surprise that topping this list of...
2015-05-14(澳大利亚) / 2015-05-15(美国) / 汤姆·哈迪 / 查理兹·塞隆 / 尼古拉斯·霍尔特 / 休·基斯-拜恩 / 乔什·赫尔曼 / 内森·琼斯 / 佐伊·克罗维兹 / 罗茜·汉丁顿-惠特莉 / 丽莉·吉欧 / 阿比·丽 / 澳大利亚 / 美国 / www.madmaxmovie.com / 乔治·米勒 / 120分钟 / 疯狂的麦克斯4...
2002/03/19 The Hunch back of Notre DameII(钟楼怪人2:老实钟的秘密) 2003/01/21 101 Dalmatians II:Patch's London Adventure(101忠狗续集:伦敦大冒险) 2003/05/20 Atlantis: Milo's Return(失落的帝国:神秘的水晶) 2003/08/26 Stitch! The Movie(星际宝贝史迪奇) ...
http://movie.douban.com/doulist/1518270/ IMDB TV TOP 250 http://www.douban.com/doulist/41573512/ 欧洲电影年度奖项-1988-2020(三大电影节+法国凯撒+欧洲电影奖) http://movie.douban.com/doulist/13716059/ 豆列每周更新信息: http://www.douban.com/group/topic/28984620/ ...
The Top Rated Movie list only includes feature films. Shorts, TV movies, and documentaries are not included The list is ranked by a formula which includes the number of ratings each movie received from users, and value of ratings received from regular users To be included on the list, a ...