Employee incentive programs can help build motivation and improve performance. Discover how to best use them for your organizations.
Don’t implement an employee recognition program out of desperation. If performance in your organization is below par, it might not be for lack of employee motivation. Employees may not have the skills required to succeed, or the tools nec...
Looking for ideas for your next appreciation event? Our agency has plenty of ideas and real-life examples for you. Employee appreciation events are our specialty, and our event agency would love to share our top tips with you. Give back to your team in a special way this year. Click thro...
While Employee Appreciation Day was first established in the mid-1990s, the concept of employee recognition and appreciation has been around much longer. Both, however, have gained significant traction within the past 10 years or so. From milestone and service awards to social recognition platforms,...
: Mobile-first employee engagement system for mid-size businesses Workleap : Manager-oriented engagement software with generous free plan Matter : Employee engagement inside Slack and Microsoft Teams Profit.co : One platform for employee engagement and OKR/goals management tool Quantum Workplace : ...
What to avoid:A program called “Staying Healthy One Day at a Time” is basic in its convention, but the name is long and is even cumbersome to type out. Naming your employee incentive program can be a breeze if you follow these tips. Are you inspired to write a few names of your ...
It is also a greatemployee incentive programfor employees to lead healthier lifestyles. Standing desks and treadmill desks are also making the rounds in office design. Also Read:10 Awesome Lifestyle Choices For Employees To Elevate Their Work-Life ...
“Boris, I see tools like this” (referring to the Social Innovation program we outlined to her) “as table stakes for keeping today’s top employee base” she said – the first time I’ve heard a C-level executive say that with full conviction. ...
Employees gain a better understanding as a group than they do as individuals by listening to other viewpoints, reframing ideas, and articulating their points. Collaborative learning increases employee engagement, employee satisfaction, creates a healthy environment, and builds a positive work culture. The...
You can even consider offering a paid vacation for the employee with the most yearly sales. If you want to do one big incentive for your employees, add extra emphasis around the prize. You can display the leaderboards and keep everyone’s progress bars top of mind. This way, your team ...