Released: 2019 Directed by: Tom Botchii Skowronski 65 Armor Jason Patric, Sylvester Stallone, Dash Mihok 0 votes Tasked with delivering a suspicious package, a father-and-son duo of armored truck drivers must outwit and outgun a team of thieves while trapped on a bridge. Released: 2024 Direc...
Released: 2019 Directed by: Tom Botchii Skowronski 65 Armor Jason Patric, Sylvester Stallone, Dash Mihok 0 votes Tasked with delivering a suspicious package, a father-and-son duo of armored truck drivers must outwit and outgun a team of thieves while trapped on a bridge. Released: 2024 Direc...
Sennaand Varus are tough to deal with in the laning phase, thanks to the immense pressure they apply with their relatively long-range abilities. Senna can continuously auto-attack the opposing bottom lane duo and has a root to easily set up a well-placed ultimate ability from Varus to com...
I find that I am the best support for my ADC and team when I’m playing with a duo partner if we’re taking the Rell and Kai’Sa combo to the bot lane, purely because it’s easier to communicate the coordination needed
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While Seraphine is usually played as a Support character, Riot made changes to her kit this season to make her stronger in the Mid lane. This has the added benefit of making her stronger in the Bot lane as an APC (Ability Power Carry) if your team is lacking in magic damage. She has...
I know what silver feels like; it's a grueling environment to play League in. If you're sick of being hard stuck, then give up your dreams of being a one-trick Zed. You need to be able to play different roles, and you need to adhere to the meta to get anywhere in Solo/Duo. ...
In the early game, Top can be lonely as most of the action happens in the bottom half of the map due to dragons coming up and the duo nature of bot lane. Tankier champions are often seen in Top, and they tend to instigate team fights and try to soak up as much damage as ...
Upleap runs a managed Instagram growth service with the use of both bots as well as managers. Their social media managers will keep an eye on the bot activity, making sure that everything is in working order and that you’re getting the best results while staying safe. ...
Top lane is the ideal place for players with a lot of patience. In the early game, Top can be lonely as most of the action happens in the bottom half of the map due to dragons coming up and the duo nature of bot lane. Tankier champions are often seen in Top, and they tend to ...