Putting two champions in one heading is kind of cheating, but they fulfill a very similar role as supports. They want to keep the enemy bot lane at a distance, whittle them down with their long-range poke spells, and then leverage that pressure into securing tower plates and dragons. It...
Enchanter supports, like Soraka or Nami, focus on keeping the bot lane carry alive through the laning phase with heals and shields. Enchanter supports usually go well into poke supports because they can out-sustain the poke but struggle into engagers due to a lack of mobility and relative ...
However, Artifact ramps up the complexity by splitting the battle zone into three lanes, each with a tower you have to attack. The placement of each card therefore becomes very important, especially as you have to place different types of card in a specific order before getting down to the ...
Shen The first champion that should be in top laners' repertoire is Camille. Camille is very strong and has a bit of everything in her kit. Mobility, damage, sustain and utility with stuns and a fantastic lockdown with her ult. She can bully some lanes early but also scales like an ab...
Beanbot says: March 28, 2016 at 9:47 pm This is what i have so far i wanted to know if I could make it better or cheaper also what case and power supply to put (i don’t care what the case looks like). Thanks CPU AMD Athlon X4 860K 3.7GHz Quad-Core Processor $73.88 $73.88...
The buffs on patch 8.5 certainly did the Virtuoso well, and with a higher damage output he can outlast the lane phase relatively unscathed, shining in the later period of the game once he has at least 2 completed lanes. However, the biggest factor for him ranking so highly is...
Our bot lane has two new players, so they needed time to adapt to the team. While the bot lane was adapting, the upper lanes struggled, and I think that's why we lost so many games. However, I won't let this ...
This bot lane duo are incredible together. If you ever see Nami in pro play, it's almost always with a Lucian, because of how well they pair together. This was the case in all six of her Worlds appearances this year. Nami's E procs extra damage and adds a slow to her target team...
It depends on our team composition. If we have a tank top and a strong bot lane that wants to fight often, I’ll look to bot lane, but I don’t really go into a game thinking I need to cover for Cody like that. Obviously, he’s not playing the...
so we went Bot Lane as a group to limit their potential flank points and pick opportunities. We knew what we were trying to do, and as soon as we saw Kennen Teleport or a possible Lissandra angle, we would back up or mark its location. Once we had that position ...