sell1[0] = 0 buy2=-prices[0] sell2=0 funcmaxProfit(prices[]int)int{n:=len(prices)buy1:=make([]int,n)sell1:=make([]int,n)buy2:=make([]int,n)sell2:=make([]int,n)buy1[0],sell1[0]=-prices[0],0buy2[0],sell2[0]=-prices[0],0// fmt.Println(buy1,sell1, buy2, ...
题目信息 You are given an array prices where prices[i] is the price of a given stock on the ith day. You want to maximize your profit by choosing a single day to buy one stock and choosing a different day in the future to sell that stock. Return the maximum profit you can achieve ...
publicintmaxProfit(int[]prices){if(prices.length==0){return0;}intK=2;int[][]dp=newint[prices.length][K+1];for(intk=1;k<=K;k++){for(inti=1;i<prices.length;i++){intmin=Integer.MAX_VALUE;//找出第 0 天到第 i 天 prices[buy] - dp[buy][k - 1] 的最小值for(intbuy=0;bu...
然后sell往后移, 若prices[sell] < prices[buy],则将buy指向sell当前位置(buy = sell),否则计算当前股票买卖收益,并和之前计算的收益比较,取最大的值。 1//双指针法求股票买卖最佳时机问题23intmaxProfit_doublePtr(vector<int>&prices)4{5intbuy=0,sell=0;6intmaxProfit =0;7for(;sell<prices.size();++...
题目 给定一个数组 prices 其中 prices[i] 代表给定股票在第 i 天的价格。你希望通过一次买卖来最大化你的利润。返回你可以获得的最大利润,如果不能获取利润,则...
sell[i]:在第i天之前,以sell为结束的任何交易组合的最大利润 rest[i]:在第i天之前,以rest为结束的任何交易组合的最大利润 状态转换方程:(price是当前日期的股价) buy[i] = max(rest[i-1] - price, buy[i-1]) sell[i]= max(buy[i-1] + price, sell[i-1]) ...
给定一个数组prices,它的第i个元素prices[i]表示一支给定股票第i天的价格。 你只能选择某一天买入这只股票,并选择在未来的某一个不同的日子卖出该股票。设计一个算法来计算你所能获取的最大利润。 返回你可以从这笔交易中获取的最大利润。如果你不能获取任何利润,返回0。
309. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown** 714. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee** 通用的递推公式为: Base cases: T[-1][k][0]=0, T[-1][k][1]=-Infinity T[i][0][0]=0, T[i][0][1]=-Infinity ...
So a trader might benefit from timing stock buys near a month’s midpoint—the 10th to the 15th, for example. The best day to sell stocks would probably be within the five days around the turn of the month. Are There Really Best Times to Buy or Sell Stocks?
So a trader might benefit from timing stock buys near a month’s midpoint—the 10th to the 15th, for example. The best day to sell stocks would probably be within the five days around the turn of the month. Are There Really Best Times to Buy or Sell Stocks?