Father of the Year David Spade, Nat Faxon, Joey Bragg 49 votes In this comedic drama, two friends drunkenly debate whose father would win in a fight, leading to a series of events in which their own dads are forced to confront their shortcomings and reevaluate their relationships with thei...
Father of the Year David Spade, Nat Faxon, Joey Bragg 49 votes In this comedic drama, two friends drunkenly debate whose father would win in a fight, leading to a series of events in which their own dads are forced to confront their shortcomings and reevaluate their relationships with thei...
Like the slapstick infamy of its "fat guy in a little coat" bit, Tommy Boy is basically an extended inside joke between icons Chris Farley and David Spade, full of hilarious, silly, and heartwarming vibes. This movie (and its 1996 follow-up, Black Sheep) is like a time capsule of the...
And obviously the cast — Kevin James as Frankenstein(’s monster), Steve Buscemi as a werewolf, David Spade as an invisible man — makes it unmistakably a Sandler movie. However, much of the comedy comes from the animation rather than scripted jokes and vocal performances. The third one, ...
David Fincher's bleak, cynical, and oddly fun film about a contract killer (Michael Fassbender) explores both the mundanities of the profession and what it takes to be really, really good at it. Well, except for when he botches the hit that opens The Killer, that is. Fassbender's unname...
David Spade plays a henpecked beta cuck unsatisfied with his pitiful existence, which makes him receptive to an intriguing offer from old buddy Sandler when they meet up at their high-school reunion. A flimsy scheme to reinvent their lives by pinching a pair of dead guys’ identities goes ...
Chris Rock’s second special for Netflix features a pre-show hosted by Ronny Chieng and an after-show hosted by SNL contemporaries Dana Carvey and David Spade. It’s a raw and funny comedy special that highlights Rock’s gift as a stand-up comedian and expert storyteller. ...
Variety Film + TV ‘SNL’ Sees Dana Carvey Return as the Church Lady to Scold David Spade’s Hunter Biden 12/8/2024 by Carly Thomas The Hollywood Reporter - Movie News Dorothy’s Ruby Slippers Sell for Staggering $28M at Auction
Lawrence and his 1963 book "Seven Pillars of Wisdom," David Lean's legendary epic stars Peter O'Toole as Lawrence himself. The film tells the story of how he united Arab tribes against the Ottoman Turks during World War II. Widely recognized as one of the most influential movies ever ...
David Lynch’s uncrackable masterpiece meets at the intersection of Hollywood dreams and dream logic. In Lynch’s crazy-quilt Tinsel Town, anything can be lurking around the corner, be it a grime-caked urban ghoul, mysterious puppetmasters in cowboy hats, splintered realities, hapless gangsters ...