Father of the Year David Spade, Nat Faxon, Joey Bragg 48 votes In this comedic drama, two friends drunkenly debate whose father would win in a fight, leading to a series of events in which their own dads are forced to confront their shortcomings and reevaluate their relationships with thei...
Joe Dirt (David Spade) is a janitor with a mullet hairdo, acid-washed jeans and a dream -- to find the parents that he lost at the Grand Canyon when he was eight. As his wandering, misguided search takes him from one misadventure to another, he finds his way to Los Angeles, wh...
The second movie in a four-film deal between Adam Sandler and Netflix. This Netflix Original stars David Spade and Adam Sandler after they fake their deaths and adopt new identities, with the aim of starting a new life. Unfortunately, the identities they have taken on has caused some unwant...
Lauren Lapkus sets all her dials to maximum capacity as the date from hell in this comedy linked to the expanded Sandlerverse by star David Spade and production company Happy Madison. One errant text message lands Spade on a tropical work retreat not with the vixen of his dreams, but with ...
David Spade, Keegan-Michael Key, Fran Drescher, Molly Shannon, and Mel Brooks. The film takes place six years after the events of its previous sequel. The Dracula family (monster and human) take a vacation on a luxury Monster Cruise Ship, where Dracula falls head-over-heels in love with ...
Like the slapstick infamy of its "fat guy in a little coat" bit,Tommy Boyis basically an extended inside joke between iconsChris FarleyandDavid Spade, full of hilarious, silly, and heartwarming vibes. This movie (and its 1996 follow-up,Black Sheep) is like a time capsule of the duo's...
Chris Rock’s second special for Netflix features a pre-show hosted by Ronny Chieng and an after-show hosted by SNL contemporaries Dana Carvey and David Spade. It’s a raw and funny comedy special that highlights Rock’s gift as a stand-up comedian and expert storyteller. ...
David Fincher's bleak, cynical, and oddly fun film about a contract killer (Michael Fassbender) explores both the mundanities of the profession and what it takes to be really, really good at it. Well, except for when he botches the hit that opens The Killer, that is. Fassbender's unname...
The Emperor's New Groove David Spade, John Goodman, Eartha Kitt 236 votes In the animated comedy, The Emperor's New Groove, Kuzco (David Spade), a self-centered and egotistical emperor is transformed into a llama by his power-hungry advisor, Yzma (Eartha Kitt). Stranded in the jun...
Also ranks #1 on Film Fans Share The Movie Mistakes They Found In Their Favorite Thrillers And Chillers Also ranks #5 on The Best Action Movies of 1992 Also ranks #8 on 'Die Hard' Ripoffs, Ranked By How Unexpectedly Good They Are 23 Dead Presidents Larenz Tate, Keith David, Chris Tucke...