Tropic Thunder Ben Stiller, Jack Black, Robert Downey 306 votes In Tropic Thunder, a comedic action-packed spectacle, a group of self-absorbed actors find themselves in over their heads while shooting a big-budget war movie. Leading man Tugg Speedman (Ben Stiller) joins forces with five...
In a masterclass of storytelling and filmmaking, Christopher Nolan's Dunkirk emerged as one of 2017's most gripping and immersive war films, plunging viewers into the harrowing experience of soldiers trapped on the eponymous beach during World War II. Utilizing a unique narrative structure that...
| Marksmanship Hunter) 15:17 【魔兽世界8.3】射击猎野外PVP,有压力的一天(Stressful day in the Field) 12:56 【魔兽世界8.3】射击猎野外PVP,标记女王Marks Queen - Marksmanship Hunter - 8.3 World PVP Movie 18:30 【魔兽世界8.3】射击猎世界PVP-雷霆崖是如此的和平(Thunder bluff Is so Peaceful! ) 12...
In late 1940s Los Angeles, Easy Rawlins (Denzel Washington) is an unemployed BlackBlack World War II veteran with few job prospects. At a bar, Easy meets DeWitt Albright (Tom Sizemore), a mysterious white man looking for someone to investigate the disappearance of a missing white woman named...
Thunderbolt 1995 Bulletproof 1996 Daylight 1996 Big Bullet 1996 Escape from L.A. 1996 Ghost in the Shell 1996 Independence Day 1996 The Rock 1996 Barb Wire 1996 Young and Dangerous 1996 The Long Kiss Goodnight 1996 Young and Dangerous 2 1996 Black Mask 1996 Dr. Wai in “The Scripture with...
The movie plays like a modern-day Western, as a handful of cops try to hold down the fort, outgunned and outnumbered by members of the Street Thunder gang. After a daring scene in which a carful of joyriders shoot and kill a girl in cold blood, audiences realize that nobody’s safe,...
From hardcore World War II strategy games to online multiplayer shooters, these are the 20 best WW2 games PC has to offer in 2024.Alex Evans Published: 3 weeks ago Company of Heroes 3 Enlisted War Thunder What are the best WW2 games? It’s a crowded field; just as in film and TV,...
Interestingly, Eros was the son of Aphrodite (the goddess of love) and Ares (the god of war)! And in this poem love does sound like a battlefield, to borrow a phrase from Pat Benatar. I believe Sappho is telling us that she can't always control the way she feels, or what happens...
23.Rolling Thunder Revue: A Bob Dylan Story by Martin Scorsese Jun 12, 2019•RatedTV-MA Rolling Thunder Revue: A Bob Dylan Story by Martin Scorsese captures the troubled spirit of America in 1975 and the joyous music that Dylan performed during the fall of that year. Part documentary, par...
3. War Thunder A competitive multiplayer vehicular battler, War Thunder might seem a little redundant next to the other games on this list. But it has one shining feature that sets it firmly apart: air, land, and sea battles all wrapped together in a single game. There’s no reason to ...