Luft Rickie,THP战队中备受瞩目的选手,以其卓越的技术和精湛的操作在赛场上留下了不可磨灭的印记。今天,他亲自录制了一段解说视频,分享了他的比赛经历和心得体会,旨在为观众带来更深入的了解。 视频中,Luft Rickie详细阐述了他的战术布局、决策过程以及与队友之间的默契配合。他强调了团队协作的重要性,并分享了自己...
Although you’ll find War Thunder skins popping up all over the internet, a handy collection can be found at Gaijin’s officialWar Thunder live portal. Fortunately for those of you who aren’t keen to wade through hundreds of possible paint jobs, we’ve done the hard work for you and co...
_class"]="杰维斯", ["uk_destroyer_k_class"]="开尔文", ["uk_destroyer_n_class"]="尼泊尔", ["uk_destroyer_hunt_2series"]="卡尔佩", ["uk_destroyer_hunt_4series"]="布里森登", ["uk_flower_class"]="布兰特福德", ["uk_frigate_river"]="斯佩", ["us_elco_80ft_pt_boat_thunder...
The Best War Thunder Planes B-29A-BN Spitfire Mk 24 F-4C Phantom II Arado Ar 234 AH-1Z Yak-3P G.56 Bf 109 B-1 B-29A-BN The B-29 is called the Superfortress for a reason. The propeller-powered big brother to the infamous B-17 Flying Fortress, this American bomber is among the...
战争雷霆WarThunder 2018-6-25 23:49 来自战争雷霆超话-战...B-25轰炸机是美国研制的“米切尔”型轰炸机,是第二次世界大战全球战场中最为优秀的中轻型轰炸机之一。该机以“米切尔”命名,以纪念一战中美国指挥官威廉·米切尔(William Mitchell),B-25轰炸机也是美国空军为数不多的以人名命名的飞机。在战雷中,B-...
( "tea_of_serenity_v" ) if talent.secret_infusion.enabled and buff.thunder_focus_tea.stack == buff.thunder_focus_tea.max_stack then applyBuff( "secret_infusion_mastery" ) end if buff.lifecycles_vivify.up then addStack( "mana_tea_stack" ) removeBuff( "lifecycles_vivify"...
雅克3P #战争雷霆 #warthunder #战争雷霆空战 #空战 - 战争雷霆roman于20240402发布在抖音,已经收获了31.8万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
回答粉丝雅克3P及雅克9T打法,本来就佛系开线,游戏时间少,最近都是做讲解视频了,开线更慢了#战争雷霆 #warthunder #空战 #战斗机 #又菜又爱玩系列 - 战争雷霆ROMAN(可代肝)于20230516发布在抖音,已经收获了47.6万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
class.abilities[ spellID ] if not ability then return end if ( ability.key == "bloodthirst" or ability.key == "bloodbath" ) and state.talent.fresh_meat.enabled and not fresh_meat_actual[ destGUID ] then fresh_meat_actual[ destGUID ] = true end elseif state.talent.thunder_blas...
class.abilities[ spellID ] if not ability then return end if ( ability.key == "bloodthirst" or ability.key == "bloodbath" ) and state.talent.fresh_meat.enabled and not fresh_meat_actual[ destGUID ] then fresh_meat_actual[ destGUID ] = true end elseif state.talent.thunder_blas...