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Finishing a marathon, like all big tasks, begins with taking the first small step. And all great achievements in life as well begin with one small step and Dr. Maurer has the guide to get you there. Beginning with the understanding that change is a manifestation of fear, Dr. Maurer expla...
A wealthy suburban NYC couple dissolves when wife Connie (Lane) finds herself drawn to the libidinous charms of French used-books-seller Paul (Martinez). The sex sceneThe movie is loaded with illicit trysts but the sexiest thing in Unfaithful is Lane's flushed face as she rides Metro-North ...
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It provides mentorship on topics like starting a company, building a personal brand, manifestation, boundaries, money, fear, relationships, and taking big leaps in life. The podcast also provides insider tips on who you need in your circle and the lies to stop believing in success. It ...
She toils silently and stoically all her life to provide for her family and is basically never rewarded. When her husband gets a little wealthier, virtually the first thing he does is take in a concubine.” Read more... The best books on Being a Mother Amy Chua, Lawyer Buy now Listen...
A perfect manifestation of emerging genres, this book combines elements from mythological antecedents with the contemporary DC universe. Gaiman’s quest narration of an occult genre paces well with the dark yet dreamy illustrations. I highly recommend this to occult genre fans and graphic novel enthus...
The books featured in this post provide their own techniques for tapping into your imagination in order to access your full potential and achieve what you’ve dreamed of. Some of the authors drew inspiration from the spiritual realm. Others wrote from the standpoint of psychology, while still ot...
Below are the list of other, “Don’t Sweat” books. Don’t Sweat Small Stuff series of books: At Work For Couples With Your Family For Teens In Love 6.The Mayo Clinic Guide to Stress-Free Livingby Amit Sood MD and Mayo Clinic ...