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1. Actions that make a difference: The largest problem we had with books like The Secret was that all you had to do was think positively to find out the final results. This Pollyanna approach to manifesting wealth or something in life sounds good but rarely performs. Manifestation magic Revie...
Napoleon Hill, Joe Vitale, Tony Robbins, Shakti Gawain, Joseph Murphy, Al Koran, Paul McKenna, Louise Hay, Wallace D Wattles, can't hold a candle to the info in here. Affirmations and visualizations in other books miss the point... RESULTS!
I have been a practicing Access Bars practitioner in 2016 and I am a facilitator since 2017. Access has been one modality that not just change my life but taught me a different way to live. Access consciousness has played a pivotal role in making my life simpler. A free PDF version of ...
133. “Anything that draws attention to ourselves through pain-free or artificial means is a manifestation of Resistance.”―Steven Pressfield 134. “Always remember that dreams-your creative visualizations-must come before their physical manifestations.”―Sarah Ban Breathnach ...
As well, during this week you need to be trying to raise your frequency. If you can, practice affirmations, meditate and read inspiring books. If not, then at least try to stay away from negative people and keep your thoughts positive. ...
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Herpublicationsincludeseveral bookson antisemitism,forexample,InsideThisintertextualsloganis basedon thesimplesubstitutionofIsraelforJews.InNazi Ger-manythe slogan“TheJews areour misfortune!ˮwaspublished as aheadlineon eachStürmereditionof theweeklyantisemiticnewspaper.The Germanfar-rightneo-Nazi...