In the case of AI art generation, an AI art generator is trained using provided data in the form of existing artwork and images. Through deep learning techniques, the software becomes able to recognize the relationships within the data and identify patterns. It can then use this knowledge to ...
ZHANG AiFENG TianyuJIANG HaoYANG NaSHI HaibinWU XiaozhengZHENG WeiZHAI BingnianJournal of Northwest A & F University - Natural Science Edition
Response management: During this stage, Natural Language Generation (NLG), a component of NLP, formulates a response for the query. Response refinement: Machine learning algorithms use this input data to refine AI chatbot responses over time to ensure accuracy. ...
Junting Ai, Ling Guo, Zhong Zheng, Shu-Xia Wang, Bing Huang, Xiang-An Li. (2015) Corticosteroid Therapy Benefits Septic Mice With Adrenal Insufficiency But Harms Septic Mice Without Adrenal Insufficiency*. Critical Care Medicine 43 , e490-e498 /...