Generative AI uses a computing process known as deep learning to analyze patterns in large sets of data and replicate those patterns to create new data that mimics human-generated data. It employs neural networks, a type of machine learning process loosely inspired by the way the human brain pr...
ZHANG AiFENG TianyuJIANG HaoYANG NaSHI HaibinWU XiaozhengZHENG WeiZHAI BingnianJournal of Northwest A & F University - Natural Science Edition
AiJuntingGuoLingZhengZhongWangShu-XiaHuangBingingentaconnectCritical Care MedicineAi J, Guo L, Zheng Z, Wang SX, Huang B & Li XA. Corticosteroid therapy benefits septic mice with adrenal insufficiency but harms septic mice without adrenal insufficiency. Critical Care Medicine 2015 43 e490-e498. (...
Whether you’re excited about artificial intelligence (AI), frightened by it, or a little bit of both—you may be wondering how AI is regulated, and whether regulators are keeping up with the rapid pace of advancement. Regulation matters for all stakeholders of an AI system, whether you’re...