Even a little loss of sleep can impair immunity. On the other hand,8 hours of sleep improves immunity and combats the common cold. People who sleep less are susceptible to common cold and other viral infections than those having longer sleep duration. If you are prone to cold, improving you...
“No BS.. sleeping naked makes you happier, healthier, sexier and a little wiser." Many years ago I could have never imagined sleeping in the nude. I felt b
Sleep is a necessary activity in every living creature’s life. We all need rest to perform our daily tasks and maintain our energy and health. Our brain needs replenishment after a certain amount of time, and sleeping helps in this process. Sleep is necessary for the sustenance of life. I...
Today we’re going to talk about the importance of sleeping and the 10 scientific health benefits of sleep. We’re also going to finish with some proven sleeping tips that will ensure you get a full night’s rest and make sure you get the right amount. So we are all adjusting toliving...
Studies have found that a 20 minute nap 8 hours after you wake up will boost your stamina more than sleeping an extra 20 minutes in the morning. So instead of hitting the snooze button, save those minutes for an afternoon siesta.
But, despite the rush of importance we feel when we open up our Google Calendars and see more color than white blanks, we might be missing out on something every privileged human should enjoy: free time. Most of us are blessed with extra time outside of working, eating and sleeping. Whet...
is what makes you slow down and feel sleepy.Scientists have tested sleep habits in experiments where there was no night or day.The people in these experiments almost always followed a similar sleeping pattern.They slept for one long period and then for one short period about eight hours later...
Less Is More: 9 Unexpected Benefits Of Sleeping Naked Sleeping in the buff offers more benefits than just saving extra cash through not buying pajamas. There are a number of unexpected benefits that people who sleepau naturelexperience- benefits the onesie lovers never get to see. These improveme...
Let’s first get to the clearest of the health benefits-sleeping naked makes sex more likely with your partner, husband, or wife. Sleep without clothes means you are unclothed and ready to run! It’s not racket studies! But not everything is there to it. Couples sleeping naked, scientific...
Awakening frequently during the night, or lying awake in the middle of the night Being restless while sleeping Using sleeping pills or alcohol to fall asleep Awakening too early in the morning and not feeling refreshed Disturbed by slight noise or variation in temperature and unable to go back ...