Values could only be deduced approximately as most services lie outside the current market.Conservative valuation and assumptions about cumulative, non-quantified value emphasize the importance of mangroves to the built environment, people, and future security of Mumbai. This reinforces the need for ...
had the strongest explanatory power for carbon storage, indicating that blue carbon in mangroves is driven by the functional composition of diverse tree assemblages. Protecting and restoring mangrove biodiversity with site-specific dominant species and other species of contrasting functional traits would ...
Coastal flood risks are rising rapidly. We provide high resolution estimates of the economic value of mangroves forests for flood risk reduction every 20 km worldwide. We develop a probabilistic, process-based valuation of the effects of mangroves on averting damages to people and property. We ...
Using contingent valuation method to estimate the \\{WTP\\} for mangrove restoration under the context of climate change: A case study of Thi Nai lagoon, Q... AbstractMangroves in Thi Nai lagoon have typically provided different values for local communities. This study examines the factors influ...
innovation, change social norms and avoid locking in to carbon- and resource-intensive technologies, infrastructure and behaviours, will help decision makers as they ponder how to respond to the increasingly stark warnings of natural scientists about the deteriorating condition of the natural environment...
(2017) managed realignment approaches involving the restoration of coastal habitats such as saltmarshes, mangroves and oyster reefs are increasingly being considered as “a no-regret option bringing social and environmental benefits” which can improve the long-term sustainability of coastal management ...
Wetlands are highly diverse ecosystems, ranging from lakes, rivers, and marshes to coral reefs, salt marshes, mangroves, and more. In addition to their natural beauty and wealth of biodiversity, they are also recognised for the services they provide such as food, timber, water purification, and...
How do mangroves benefit coral reefs? How are reefs beneficial to marine organisms? Why are coral reefs important? What is the economic importance of coral reefs? How do fish help coral reefs? Why are coral reefs so productive? How does oxybenzone affect coral reefs? How do algae help coral...
Elevated temperatures may support the poleward expansion of mangroves150, whereas increased magnitude and frequency of storms could result in widespread damage151. To negate future rises in relative sea level, mangroves must build their surface elevation; however, sediment accretion may not match the ...
Social cost of carbon SDG: Sustainable Development Goal TWh: Terawatt hour WACC: Weighted average of capital costs References Aburto-Oropeza O, Ezcurra E, Danemann G, Valdez V, Murray J, Sala E (2008) Mangroves in the Gulf of California increase fishery yields. Proc Natl Acad Sci U ...