Benefits of LecithinJan 12,2022 Lecithin (also known as alpha-phosphatidylcholine) is a naturally occurring nutrient found in foods that is also sold as a dietary supplement. Lecithin is not a single substance but rather a group of chemicals belonging to compounds called phospholipids. Phospholipid,...
In one study, diabetic rats given a daily supplement of soy lecithin had a 29% increase in white blood cell activity [28]. Meanwhile, non-diabetic rats had a 92% increase in overall white blood cells (T and B cells) [28]. This potential benefit has only been studied in animals; human...
Is there really lecithin in your lecithin supplement? You probably assume that when you take lecithin supplements, you are actually getting lecithin. However, as is the case with many nutritional supplements, commercial preparations vary widely in the amount the substance that is actually in their p...
Lecithin is a type offatfound naturally in many foods that's essential to human health. Some manufacturers add it to food products to improve taste or texture. You can also take it as a supplement or use it to moisturize your skin. Lecithin is also known as soy lecithin, egg lecithin, ...
Understand about Lecithin uses, health benefits, side effects, interactions, safety concerns, and effectiveness.
I have found that Melatonin is extremely beneficial in helping me get to bed. This is on top of the Seroquel that I already take, which is dosed at 100mg. I usually start off with 3 mgs. of Melatonin, and if that doesn't help, I take another 3 mgs. (because the supplement that ...
Lecithins are also a widely available source of inositol that's relatively easy to digest in raw form. Uses of Inositol Relief from panic disorders is one of the common uses of inositol. It may also help with the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which is a common condition ...
Supplements were originally made from PS synthesized in cow brains; however, since the outbreak of mad cow disease, the industry has moved towards more natural methods of producing PS such as soy or soy-free products like sunflower lecithin. ...
In healthy volunteers, oral turmeric 2.8 g/day for 4 weeks had no effect on fasting blood glucose levels.(Tang 2008) A 4-week pilot study examined the effects of a lecithin formulation of curcumin at a dose of 1 g/day orally on diabetic microangiopathy in 25 diabetic patients. Curcumin ...
Taking a lecithin supplement can help improve brain function and promote heart health and liver function. It’s recommended to take about 1,200 mg of lecithin daily. Summary Lecithin has very important functions in the body and it’s important that you get enough of it in your diet. If you...