Oranges(not technically a vegetable, but a great addition to a salad!) The peel of an orange packs has twice as much vitamin C as what’s inside. It’s probably not very appealing to munch into the bitter skin or an orange, but rather, grate the peel and sprinkle it on top of a ...
1 cup of raw or cooked vegetables 1 cup of vegetable juice 2 cups of raw leafy salad greens How many servings of vegetables the USDA recommends that you eat each day depends on your age and gender. Children should eat 1 to 4 cups of vegetables daily. Women need 2 to 3 cups, while ...
When most people think potatoes, they think carbohydrates, which is why some low-carb dieters avoid the root vegetable. But the benefits of eating potatoes should lay your carb fears to rest. Potatoes are heart healthy Potatoes are a good source of fiber, which has been linked to heart heal...
Beetroots, also known by other names like red beet, table beet or garden beet, are reddish purple colored taproots and edible. This vegetable is very rich in vitamin A, C, B6, minerals, and other nutrients such as iron, potassium, magnesium and nitrate. They have gained in popularity as ...
Just remember that almonds are high in calories, so be sure to keep your portion size in check — it is definitely possible to have too much of a good thing. 11. Kale Type “superfoods” into your search engine, and this leafy green vegetable is likely to be one of the first results...
Is an avocado a vegetable or a fruit? An avocado is technically a fruit — specifically a berry. It has a single seed in the center and develops from the flower of the avocado tree, classifying it as a fruit. What does avocado do for your body? What are the benefits of eating avocado...
Lettuce is a leafy vegetable, famous for giving salads their base. There are multiple types of lettuce, and they all share the scientific nameLactuca sativa. The health benefits of lettuce come primarily from its vitamin content. Health benefits vary depending on the type of lettuce a person ea...
10 Nutrient-Dense Salad Recipes When Spring Mix Is Best Spring mix is available at any time of the year. It's best when fresh, so look for containers or bags that aren't too close to expiration. If you can find organic spring mix, you'll avoid some pesticides used in conventional grow...
Watermelon actually contains more lycopene than any other fresh fruit or vegetable – about 15 to 20 milligrams in 2 cups of melon. Lycopene has been associated with a decreased risk in certain cancers, specifically prostate cancer, and a reduction in the risk for heart disease. It'...
Anciently regarded as the "jewel" in the vegetable kingdom, Beets (beetroot) aren’t just the sweetest of all vegetables, they're loaded with powerhouse nutrients and minerals that can stave off disease and help you experience the best of health. Delicio