There’s little doubt that vitamin C is of great benefit to the human body. However, how you consume vitamin C makes a huge difference in the amount your body is able to absorb and use (a feature of all supplements called “bioavailability”).When taken orally, most of the vitamin C yo...
from 3,000 to 6,000 mg per day. At this doses, you should be much careful with your kidneys, since this is where the Vitamin C is mainly excreted. You should increase your hydration to suffice this high dosage. A lot of studies contradicts really on the exact daily dosage of Vitamin...
Studies suggest that 1000-2000 mg of the vitamin daily can effectively reduce histamines production, a significant cause of inflammation in asthma patients. Boosts immunity Various studies suggest that Vitamin C deficiency can decrease the body’s resistance to specific pathogens. So, including it in...
An Iranian clinicaltrialtested the efficacy of vitamins C and E on anxiety in patients with type 2 diabetes. A total of 45 patients were randomly divided in 3 groups. They received either: 400 IU of vitamin E, 1000 mg of vitamin C or a placebo daily for 6 weeks. Before and after trea...
Historically, Vitamin C has been used in the prevention and treatment of scurvy, which is a disease resulting from vitamin C deficiency [1]. When most people think of ascorbic acid, the first thing that comes to mind is orange juice, as this is the best way to get your daily dose. ...
Allii Macrostemonis Bulbus is also named Xiebai in China. It is an edible vegetable, and also a famous herb for treating coronary heart disease. Allium chinense G. Don (ACGD) and Allium macrostemon Bunge (AMB) are it botanical sources. The aim of this st
A pooled analysis of fractures with respect to vitamin D supplementation among those older than 65 years found that “By quartiles of actual intake, reduction in the risk of fracture was shown only at the highest intake concentration (median, 800 IU daily; range, 792 to 2000), with a 30...
月见草油软胶囊1000毫克/500毫克 主要成分 月见草油 主要功能 支持激素平衡妇女 证书 GMP,BRC,ISO,清真食品, 最小起订量 100000pcs 尺寸 20 # 长方形 功能 GMO免费/无麸质/定制配方/用心制作/素食主义者 公式 建议PAG或定制 包 在瓶子/用于散装产品/泡罩/用于箱子/袋 ...
Vitamin C has been used by some to treat basal cell carcinoma.1/8 teaspoon ofbuffered vitamin Cis mixed with 1 teaspoon of distilled water and applied to the BCC three times daily until the area heals. High doses of vitamin C, administered with an IV, can be toxic to some types of ca...
Amlais a fruit withantioxidantproperties high inascorbic acid(vitamin C) andpolyphenols.2 It may decrease the following majorlipids: Triglycerides Totalcholesterol Low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or "bad") cholesterol Additionally, amla can lower what's known as theatherogenic index of plasma, a ratio...