Figure 8. Lumerical内置地bezier bend结构,名为,waveguide 对,没错,是的,you are right, that's it! lumerical竟然贴心的为我们准备好了内置的bezier bend。只是他把名字起成了waveguide,就安静地躺在structure里(图9),无人问津(我猜知道这个内置结构的人不多,学到就是赚到啊xdm,学到了的xdm麻烦双击666)。
Solved with COMSOL Multiphysics 5.2 1 | H - B E N D WA V E G U I D E 2 DH-Bend Waveguide 2DIntroductionThis example is a 2D version of H-Bend Waveguide 3D, which shows how to model a bending rectangular waveguide for microwaves. For a general introduction, see the model H-Bend ...
The purpose of the model is to calculate how well a TE10 wave propagates through a bend in a waveguide filled with a dielectric medium. This is done by calculating the scattering parameters, or S-parameters, of the waveguide bend as a function of thefrequency, for the fundamental TE10 ...
in particular for enhancing waveguide performance in silica integrated optics. By using a femtosecond laser to induce a strong asymmetric stress pattern in silica, uniform cracks with set dimensions can be created within the substrate and propagated along a fixed...
insulator (SOI) platform is explored by varying the coupling length (lc) and the waveguide gap (g) as shown inFigure 1. This work also serves as a comparative study between the modeling capability of the Wave Optics Module in COMSOL Multiphysics®simulation software and Lumerical MODE ...
Here, we define this absorption loss of per unit length for a straight double-ribbon waveguide as normalized absorption loss La. The normalized total loss Lt is derived from the total loss LT over the actual propagation length (i.e., the center arc length of this double-ribbon). The ...