Time delay in the laser pulse in the wave optics (transient) model tutorial chrisbohr2020 June 29, 2024 06:37 by chrisbohr2020 0 254 Running COMSOL using cluster computing sam_cfdd June 22, 2024 17:54 by sam_cfdd 0 451 data extraction in comsol meenuu June 22, 2024 02:...
主要涉及多个光学物理场的相互耦合,以及光学与其他物理场的相互耦合。如果没有账号的话,注册一个即可免费观看。第四部分:波动光学与多物理场耦合 非线性光学 多尺度光学 光热耦合 光电耦合 光力耦合 波动光学仿真:第四部分cn.comsol.com/video-training/wave-optics-training-cn-prt4 光纤...
Wave Optics, Working with Wavelengths We should all be familiar with this equation: speed of light = wavelength * frequency. Engineers and researchers working within wave optics concern themselves with thewavelengthaspect of the equation; they treat light as a wave. Many optical devices are much l...
is “slowly varying”, so we don’t need to resolve the wavelength. Instead, we only need to resolve the slow wave of the envelope. Because of this process, simulating large-scale wave optics problems is possible on personal computers. ...
Wave Optics Module Stability improvements.2,3 1New in update 1 (build, released on Nov. 16, 2023) 2New in update 2 (build, released on Jan. 24, 2024) 3New in update 3 (build, released on May 15, 2024) ...
COMSOL Multiphysics Tutorials First, there are the Tutorial videos, which come in a couple of different forms. These videos will all have step-by-step instructions that you can follow along with and reproduce, but the videos differ in the content being shown. Model Tutorials teach you how to...
本次18 分钟入门将带您学习模拟仿真波动光学的基本要点。波动光学仿真带来了设计和优化光学系统的新机遇。应用示例包括定向耦合器、非线性光波导、大型光学系统、超材料等等。COMSOL Multiphysics® 软件提供了模拟此类系统和创建定制仿真 App 的能力。在本次网络研讨会中,我们将演示硅脊形波导的模拟。
以上就是文章提出的结构,文中定义了δw=Δw/(w1+w2)以及δs的非对称参数。其中,Δw=w1−w2。用商用软件COMSOL计算了本文的一些结果。用 COMSOL中Wave Optics模块中的Electromagnetic Waves, Frequency Domain求解器,频域中的本征频率eigenfrequency计算了文中的模式Q值。
The Multiscale 3D Packed Bed Reactor tutorial has been upgraded to include a plate with holes located at the inlet and realistic second-order reversible kinetics. It also considers the transient behavior of the reactor at start-up. When modeling concentrated gas mixtures with theReaction Engineering...