一. 基本概念(自尊六支柱、健康与疾病模式) 1. 什么是积极心理学 Positive Psychology 心理学三大方向:行为、精神、人本(积极心理学前身) 安静时间 silence 内省(重要性,老鼠走迷宫) “凿除多余的石头”、信息变形、“为学日益,为道日损” 自我确信;问对问题(问题中的问题) 2. 为什么要学 Positive Psychology <...
《Psychology 1504 Positive Psychology》始于2002年,包含两部分:严谨的学术知识和可行的自助策略 课堂规则:①邮件反馈和提问——必定回复;②紧急情况——举手示意;③p-p break——任意问答环节;④课堂录像资源公开——自由学习;⑤在理解的基础上,笔记感兴趣的内容;⑥课堂经常的Time-in——安静的内省 P1-什么是积极...
Positive PsychologyTal Ben-Shahar 重新做人小册子 L1 概述:知识+应用,历史云云 Embracing stillness:time to look insight Replay might constitute a general mechanism of learning and memory Actual learning when you try to figure out what to keep or to throw? Perception:the same informationdifferent perce...
Positive Psychology 1 information(external)&transformation(internal) perception of life chipping away... (perfectionism/ability to success) like the statue David common sense is not that common (making common sense more common) at the end of the class: reminder of what we already knew informationw...
Tal Ben-Shahar is an author and lecturer, teaching at the Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya. 23% of his Harvard students claim that he changed their life.
课程介绍:我们来到这个世上,到底追求什么才是最重要的?他坚定地认为:幸福感是衡量人生的唯一标准,是所有目标的最终目标。塔尔博士被誉为"最受欢迎讲师"和"人生导师"。 讲师:TalBen Shahar,心理学讲师,心理学硕士、哲学组织和行为学博士。 bilibili 视频链接 预祝大家生活愉快,学有所获! 附上... ...
Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar is an internationally renowned teacher and author in the fields of happiness and leadership. After graduating from Harvard with a BA in Philosophy and Psychology and a PhD in Organizational Behavior, Tal taught two of the most popular
Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar taught Harvard University’s most popular course (in the Spring of 2006): a course on Positive Psychology; that is, he taught his students how to be happy. The course, called PSY 1504 – Positive Psychology, was described as follows: “The course focuses on the psycho...
Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar is an internationally renowned teacher and author in the fields of happiness and leadership. After graduating from Harvard with a BA in Philosophy and Psychology and a PhD in Organizational Behavior, Tal taught two of the most popular
主動且建設性的回應-Positive Psychology-Tal Ben-Shahar.mp4 是在优酷播出的教育高清视频,于2013-10-02 18:01:26上线。视频内容简介:主動且建設性的回應-Positive Psychology-Tal Ben-Shahar.mp4