I'd like to share one secret, during middle school I learned karate (Taekwondo) and I’m not that much good in karate, I finished my karate learning with the Brown belt and couldn’t make Black Belt. Now with TechNet Wiki help I have achieved Yellow belt. Hope soon I will get ...
In the part about the sport watch, you say that one shouldn’t attend a school in which they have to put more work into achieving their black belt than they think they should. Belt rankings were invented by Judo founder Jigoro Kano so that he could easily discern who had the technical p...
I'd like to share one secret, during middle school I learned karate (Taekwondo) and I’m not that much good in karate, I finished my karate learning with the Brown belt and couldn’t make Black Belt. Now with TechNet Wiki help I have achieved Yellow belt. Hope soon I will get ...