Over the course of many years of training, that belt became darker with sweat, dirt and blood until eventually it was black in color. As decades go by, the wear and tear on the belt would cause it to fray, the fibers breaking apart. Eventually, the black belt becomes white again, sy...
Hwarang Tigers Taekwondo is a perfect example of a "McDojo." McDojos are dojos that only care about the money. They hand out black belts in a short period of time for a hefty price by forcibly passing you even if you do not know any of the material. the Promotion Test for all bel...
Is taekwondo better than karate? Karateand taekwondo will both give you a full-body workout, as well as teach patience and discipline. ... If you're interested in learning more balanced, full-body moves, karate might be a better choice. For those interested in learning fast and more elabo...
Yet, on various forums, many agree thatstudents in Japan (and in Asia) become first-degree black belt significantly quickerthan in other countries. The reason for this is possibly the western notion that black belts are masters, and that it should be an exclusive privilege. So, to adapt to...