激进的贝尔Bell P-39 "空中眼镜蛇 "(Airacobra)配备了中置发动机和前三点式起落架,作为一种战斗机,它在土耳其和英国空军中的表现令人失望,这主要是由于放弃了涡轮增压器,而涡轮增压器能在高空提供出色的性能;无论如何,这种设备被禁止出口到英国,结果是 "空中眼镜蛇 "不符合英国皇家空军对拦截机的要求。其结果是...
贝尔P-39L "空中眼镜蛇 "是一个失败的空战战斗机(不过也有例外,比如图示的这架,其飞行员是苏联波克雷什金少校Pokryshkin),主要用于地面攻击任务。 激进的贝尔Bell P-39 "空中眼镜蛇 "(Airacobra)配备了中置发动机和前三点式起落架,作为一种战斗机,它在土耳其和英国空军中的表现令人失望,这主要是由于放弃了涡轮...
P-39 Airacobra in Action, Ernie MCDowell, Squadron/Signal Publications, 1980 The Calamitous 'Cobra, Air Enthusiast, August 1971. Airacobra Advantage: The Flying Cannon, Rick Mitchell, Pictorial Histories Publishing Company, Missoula, Montana Bell Cobra Variants, Robert F. Dorr, Wings of Fame, Vol...
BELL P-39 AIRACOBRAFeatures the Bell P-39 Airacobra developed by Bell Aircraft Corp. in the U.S. Altitude capacity of the aircraft; Use of the aircraft in the Southwest Pacific during World War II; Description of the aircraft.Smith, Dick...
aircraft. However, in the political climate of 1940, it was virtually impossible for the USAAC to acquire any new aircraft. But it could order more examples of an already-existing model. Consequently, the designation of the Airacobra was changed to P-39C prior to the delivery of the first ...
Bell P-39 Airacobra 45.6kMarioG 4.7 years ago Download 62 downloads Auto CreditBased on MarioG'sP-39 Mk2 WW2 mid war fighter 23 Upvotes Log inin to upvote this post.
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P-39 Airacobra是将“Bell P-39 Airacobra"翻译成 葡萄牙文。 译文示例:El día 6 de Julio volvió a hacerse ás un día, abatiendo el mismo día un Bell P-39 Airacobra, un LaGG-3, una R-5 y tres Hurricane. ↔ No dia 6 de Julho voltou a tornar-se ás num dia, abatendo no me...
将“Bell P-39 Airacobra"自动翻译成 意大利文 Bell P-39 Airacobra Glosbe Translate 错误 Google Translate 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“Bell P-39 Airacobra"翻译成 意大利文 变形干 匹配词 Destinado al Grupo de Combate 357 en Tonopah, Nevada, como piloto de combate, volando en principio elBe...