技术参数贝尔Bell P-39N Airacobra(空中眼镜蛇)机型:单座战斗轰炸机动力装置:一台1200马力的艾里逊V-1710-85水冷V-12活塞引擎性能:在3355米高度处的最大速度642公里/小时;在5分20秒内爬升至4570米;实用升限11735米;航程1205公里重量:空重2562公斤;最大起飞重量3720公斤尺寸:翼展10.36米;机长9.19米;机高3.78米...
New engine exhaust stacks, deflected to match the local flow and with nozzles to increase thrustaugmentation Carroll died and the highly-modified P-39 was destroyed. Most Lomcevaks areentered from a near vertical attitude with power applied, which matches the descriptionX Circular Proposal...
美国Bell P-39 Airacobra 空中眼镜蛇 战斗轰炸机 贝尔P-39L "空中眼镜蛇 "是一个失败的空战战斗机(不过也有例外,比如图示的这架,其飞行员是苏联波克雷什金少校Pokryshkin),主要用于地面攻击任务。 激进的贝尔Bell P-39 "空中眼镜蛇 "(Airacobra)配备了中置发动机和前三点式起落架,作为一种战斗机,它在土耳其和...
Bell P-39 Airacobra 45.6kMarioG 4.7 years ago Download 62 downloads Auto CreditBased on MarioG'sP-39 Mk2 WW2 mid war fighter 23 Upvotes Log inin to upvote this post.
将“Bell P-39 Airacobra"自动翻译成 意大利文 Bell P-39 Airacobra Glosbe Translate 错误 Google Translate 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“Bell P-39 Airacobra"翻译成 意大利文 变形干 匹配词 Destinado al Grupo de Combate 357 en Tonopah, Nevada, como piloto de combate, volando en principio elBe...
P-39 Airacobra in Action, Ernie MCDowell, Squadron/Signal Publications, 1980 The Calamitous 'Cobra, Air Enthusiast, August 1971. Airacobra Advantage: The Flying Cannon, Rick Mitchell, Pictorial Histories Publishing Company, Missoula, Montana
Bud Anderson's airborne reunion with a P-39Q Airacobra Group and scored 16.25 kills in B- and D-model P-51 Mustangs wearing his famed "Old Crow" livery, he flew another fighter-the Bell P-39 Airacobra... J Tegler - 《Flight Journal Exploring the Aviation Adventure》 被引量: 0发表: ...
Bell P-39N Airacobra HyperScale is proudly supported by Squadron Introduction Here is Eduard´s 1/48 scale P-39N Airacobra finished in the marking of Col. A.I. Pokryshkin, Commander of the 9th GIAD, VVS. The Eduard kit itself has already been described by many expert modellers however...
在线看Bell P 39 Airacobra "BELLA" || EDUARD 1/48.. 12分钟 48秒。12 10月 2020的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 23 — 已浏览。 8 — 已评价。