Although both owls use vision to hunt, barn owls are capable of seeing at lower light intensity than burrowing owls (Marti 1974). Relative to the nocturnal/crepuscular maned wolf, its ecological characteristics may explain the consumption of relatively small prey (Motta-Junior et al. 2014) since...
Sixty wild male greenfinches were captured in mist-nets at bird feeders in a garden in the city of Tartu (58° 22′ N; 26° 43′ E) on 4–8 January 2010. Birds were classified as hatched in previous spring/summer (i.e., yearlings) or older according to plumage characteristics follow...
Here we focus on small, ground-dwelling species with more restricted dispersal abilities and aimed at testing whether urban and rural populations of a widely distributed rodent differ in behavioural flexibility and in intrinsic behavioural characteristics. Understanding the determinants of successful urbanisat...