A. A. Between-subject prediction reveals a shared representational geometry in the rodent hippocampus. Curr. Biol. 31, 4293–4304 (2021). Herrero-Vidal, P., Rinberg, D. & Savin, C. Across-animal odor decoding by probabilistic manifold alignment. Adv. Neural Inform. Process. Syst. 34, ...
On the other hand, the preservation of most of the trilobite bioclasts in a dorsal-up attitude may indicate that they were either (i) subject to unidirectional currents and adopted a hydrodynamically stable disposition; or (ii) were rapidly buried, since bioturbation can flip the exuviae. The...
highway vehicle's objective is to minimize speed variations, or essentially try to employ the lowest possible acceleration rate during the merging process. By contrast, the merging vehicle's objective is to minimize the time spent on the acceleration lane, which is subject to safety constraints. ...
使用裸RxSwift和BehaviourSubject的同步模型 使用裸RxSwift和BehaviorSubject的同步模型是一种在云计算领域中常用的编程模式。这种模型结合了响应式编程和观察者模式,可以实现数据的同步和更新。 裸RxSwift是一个基于RxSwift框架的扩展,它提供了一组强大的工具和操作符,用于处理异步事件流。它可以帮助开发人员更方便地处理数据...
To describe the movement variability in the maximum oscillation amplitudies the intra-subject coefficients of variation (CV %) was calculated. The maximum difference was characterized by the absolute differences between the minimum and maximum oscillation amplitudes of iterated movement cycles. Pain ...
Neuroscience has undergone radical change since The Lancet Neurology was launched in 2002. An explosion of new technologies has enabled discoveries that have fundamentally changed our understanding of brain function. Here, we offer our perspective on the revolution that has taken place, with a particul...
80MathematicsSubjectClassification.Primary30A76,Secondary30A72,31A15,20.Key wordsand phrases.Angularlimit,Blaschkeproduct,boundarybehaviour,clusterset,Dirichletfunction, finelimit,normalfunction.* I am indebtedto the Refereefor manyvaluablecommentsandcorrections,and in particular,Lemma1 and Theorem5have been...
The archaeological and palaeontological remains reported here are deposited in the Museo Arqueológico y Paleontológico de la Comunidad de Madrid, Alcalá de Henares, Spain. The accession codes for the large mammal crania that are the main subject of this publication can be found in Supplementary...
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