Angular 6 BehaviourSubject.next请求类方法的值Angular 6中的BehaviorSubject是RxJS库中的一种特殊类型的Subject,它是一种可观察对象(Observable)和观察者(Observer)的结合体。BehaviorSubject具有类似于普通Subject的功能,但它还具备记住最新值的特性。 在Angular中,BehaviorSubject通常用于在组件之间共享数据或状态。当我...
On the other hand, the preservation of most of the trilobite bioclasts in a dorsal-up attitude may indicate that they were either (i) subject to unidirectional currents and adopted a hydrodynamically stable disposition; or (ii) were rapidly buried, since bioturbation can flip the exuviae. The...
Animals of the same species exhibit similar behaviours that are advantageously adapted to their body and environment. These behaviours are shaped at the species level by selection pressures over evolutionary timescales. Yet, it remains unclear how these
To investigate the grain-scale mechanical behaviour of a sample, the raw 3D CT image (i.e., a stack of 2D greyscale images) of the sample acquired at each scan is subject to a series of image processing and analysis steps. First, each phase is identified from the 3D CT image. For th...
A base search strategy was developed in MEDLINE (Ovid) (Supplementary Figure S1) and search syntaxes altered accordingly for other databases. The search strategy included title, abstract and subject word searches for Medical Subheading (MeSH) terms relating to physical behaviour, physical activity, se...
They also facilitate the determination of mechanical properties, in particular, the strength and fracture toughness of specific plastics used in engineering practice. Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) which is the subject of the research described in this paper, is used, for example, as a glass ...
《ISO 21940-11-2016 Mechanical vibration — Rotorbalancing —Part 11 Procedures and tolerances for rotors with rigid behaviour》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《ISO 21940-11-2016 Mechanical vibration — Rotorbalancing —Part 11 Procedures and tolerances for rotors with rigid behaviour(36页珍藏版)》请...
subject to a capacity bound $$C(s)=\int\,{\mathrm{d}}s\,J{\left(s\right)}^{\beta }\le c,$$ (15) with parameters α defining the coding objective and β > 0 specifying the capacity constraint43. The solution of this optimization problem reveals that Fisher information should...
Finite-element impact analysis was performed for each subject. Figure 3a shows the state of contact between the foot and the ball in the finite element analysis for Subject A as a typical example. The impact time for the finite element analysis of the trials for all subjects ranged from 10.0...