必应词典为您提供before-and-afterdesign的释义,网络释义: 前测后测设计;前与后的设计;
after: adv. 在后;继后;后来。 follow after ...例句与用法 1. Home shows on cable tv have created an avid following of fans hooked on the idea of before - and - after design 有线电视上的各种家庭节目让一大批人迷上了前后比较设计。2. before - and - after ” test ...
LLI Design承接,让老宅呈现出 色彩丰富活泼,功能性十足的现代风貌 将楼梯旁尺寸尴尬的空间改造成鞋柜收纳间 ▼ 及顶的推拉门让厨房和用餐区光线充足 增加了厨房岛台、展示架和食品间 ▼ 橡木实木餐桌,舒适的卡座与Y椅 可供12人用餐 ▼ 同样的橡木栏杆楼梯扶手 改造后更有现代风范 ▼ 二楼原厨房现被改造成杂物间...
Feel free to pin your favoriteinterior design ideas, share this with you friends and most importantly, have a good time! Interior Design Ideas: “Before & After” California Home Renovation This home should impress and inspire you. The paint color throughout the house is“Simply White by Benja...
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Before and After magazine's focus on clarity, simplicity, and elegance has won it legions of fans--fans who will welcome this second volume of the definitive Before and After Page Design by John McWade. Truly an icon of the graphic design community, his insistence on approaching design not ...
AfterMake the class responsible for its own global pointer and "initialization on first use" (by using a private static pointer and a public static accessor method). The client uses only the public accessor method. class GlobalClass { int m_value; static GlobalClass *s_instance; GlobalClass(...
A Factory class has been introduced that main- tains a suite of "breeder" objects (aka proto- types), and knows how to delegate to the correct prototype. class Stooge { public: virtual Stooge* clone() = 0; virtual void slap_stick() = 0; }; class Factory { public: static Stooge* ...
SHED Architecture & Design have transformed a 1959 ranch house in Seattle, Washington, and turned it into a bright and welcoming Northwest contemporary home.