What's the difference between a normal reaction and a life threatening reaction. Some people say they are allergic to bees because they turn red, itch and swell. Everyone does! Only those who have built up an immunity don't swell and itch. By the end of the season, I don't turn red...
Getting stung by a bee is no fun and the discomfort can be an initial smart pinch that dissipates quickly or pain can increase and linger on for a few hours. Here is a bunch of household applications that should help bring fast, soothing relief as well a
It’s doubtful that Bee knows it shouldn’t fly – it simply DOES, and so can you. Thus Bee's meaning can also be said to relate to miracles. Have you gotten stuck in the buzz of the daily grind? Bee's spiritual meaning pertains to this as well, yet Bee also reminds us to not ...
Cymilium eliminates the itch or burning from all insect and sea pest bites within 30 seconds to 4 minutes by applying it just once: mosquitoes, no-see-ums, bees, wasps, black flies, horse flies, deer flies, fire ants, red ants, caterpillars, jellyfish, s